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I was going to post a link to it this morning, but at the thought of the 'stop bashing Muslims' brigade descending yet again, I declined.
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It was the Twitter vid that convinced me I should post the thread.

Family member of Tanveer Ahmed

"Asad Shah deserved to die"

And lots agree with him.
Good, regarding the sentence. I suppose we must wait for the protest marches against it. More disturbing is that the protest may go on under the radar in the 'communities'.
I can't see any protest march drawing support from the wider community. This was a vile crime and the sentence was right.
uncharacteristic lack of spank Ni

I thought the anglo reporters were blocked because arabic shouts were heard in court and there wasnt a hack who understood Arabic north of the border .... oops

also it was muslim on muslim violence which kinda doesnt say anything to people like AOG.

the dead mans religion ( ahmadiyya) are religious refugees from persecution from yup the kind of people who killed him.
You can be good but being an Ahmadiyya may damage your health

abdus salaam - physic nobel laureate and father of the pakistani atom bomb desgined a bomb for them but er-ur was the wrong religion ( Ahmadiyya that is ! ) and ended up fleeing. - Bhutto started hanging his frenz and he took the hint. see

sky had an interview with a orthodox muslim outside court on the rights and wrongs of sstabbing heretics and he looked as tho he was gonna say to the hack " and I will stab you if you go on like that "
yeah one of tanveer's frenz was outside court looking a bit fierce and unrepentant and with a look of 'you next ?' on his face
This was a dreadful murder of a much liked and respected member of the whole commu njity of that area .
This case horrified the local community, of all faiths and justice would appear to have been done.

Ignore a (Tory) former Prime Minister once said....too many tweets makes a T W A T. .....not sure of this will pass the AB Censor.
O ... la rasool l'illah - the cry in court ....

( no messenger of God [xc the prophet]) as the fella said - nothing terrible about that - clearly being knifed is ...
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Ignore twitter.

unfortunately Mikey I havent heard any orthodox muslim say " dont massacre the Ahmaddis " and there are quite a few who say he had it coming to him
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This case horrified the local community, of all faiths and justice would appear to have been done.

All faiths?
Drivel, mikey ... drivel

This thread seems to be struggling just like the original when Mr Shah was killed.

Why is that?
Could it be that 'black on black' doesn't attract some of the usual suspects?
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It seems there are two groups of usual suspects to me, Sandy.

And one half appears to want to brush the death of Mr Shah under the carpet.

As anyone watched the video?

I watched the video.

I'm lost for words.
I can't imagine anyone on here thinking the response of the killer's supporters at the Court today was anything but sickening. Whilst the majority of muslims find the killing to be an unforgivable atrocity I think that sadly there will still be too many who share the sickening views of the killer's supporters today and would be prepared to kill or help others kill for their beliefs
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I can't imagine anyone on here thinking the response of the killer's supporters at the Court today was anything but sickening.

Yes you can tell that by the replies ... see no evil.
We don't need people who think that this killing was in any way justified living in our country. Sorry if I offend, but they obviously don't adhere to our basic philosophy - religion notwithstanding. These are the people who should leave - but they won't. So there is trouble ahead. :(
Who are they who are conspicuous by their silence?

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