In my opinion and that of the rest of the country, it seems...
I know that PMQs is, despite the name, not really about answering questions, but Theresa May took that to some new heights today. Starting right off the bat, with the wonderfully subtle, "I'm not going to answer that question," before continuing to not answer questions at all. "Can you name any evidence, or an expert opinion, supporting the success of Grammar schools for children at large?" "Well, *I* went to Grammar school and I turned out OK."
The put-down about Leadership is called man-not-ball, and while it's a common feature in PMQs it's generally employed only when the PM has nothing useful to say in defence of their own position. And besides, she's wrong: Corbyn's going to win the leadership election.
The Grammar School policy (and the 100% restrictive faith schools policy, which is a travesty that doesn't deserve to be hidden in brackets) is a step in the wrong direction in its current form and will, at the very least, need some serious reworking.