Grumpy...I am glad that you agree about UKIP, although it would difficult to do otherwise !
I appreciate what you say about Labours present position, but exactly the same was said about the Tories, when they were in the wilderness years of 1997-2010.
Labour will come always has done. As long as anybody can remember, there have only ever been 2 plausible players when it comes to the British political scene. Sooner or later, Mrs May will falter, and when she does, Labour will win. It has always been that way, and in the reverse direction as well. Parties win Elections, not just because they are more popular but because the incumbent Party isn't.
One of the main planks of present Tory Party policies is the issue of Grammar Schools, which isn't very popular with her Party, and she will have a struggle on her hands if she proceeds with it in its present state.
What is happening with UKIP, is just a side show, of course, albeit a highly amusing one.
I wish them every success in providing the laughs for many years ahead.