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Clinton News Network.....

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ToraToraTora | 21:23 Thu 27th Oct 2016 | News
29 Answers
Katie roughs up the CNN presenter!


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I like Katie Hopkins because she's outspoken - but I don't think she did herself any favours this time.
Great Broadcast.

Seriously, she just lost Trump a whole load of votes there.

More Katie airtime please CNN.
Wow! That was interesting, she came out of that quite badly I feel.

Addressing people as 'Sugar' and 'Honey' ?
Gromit, I don’t think she did that, but rather than resort to the gutter with the Bill/Monica saga and the ‘Women’ thing, she should have argued salient points. I’ve no doubt she’s attempting to spread her personal wings - and who can blame her? - but I doubt she impressed many on this occasion. A wasted opportunity.
If Hopkins is hoping to spread her wings and get work stateside, that was hardly the job interview to do so. No major news network will ever employ her as a guest after seeing that.
More than a wasted opportunity, it was a suicide note.
Wow. Katie Hopkirk or whatever was only a name to me before and a few quotes on AB links. I had never actually seen her in action. I suppose this is the UK's revenge on the US for foisting Donald Trump on us.

It was interesting listening to Trump's biographer on Newsnight. Pretty damning ...
Katie would do well as a usual suspect on AB
out of it - illogical - and cant put an argument together
I wonder if this woman ever realizes how stupid,rude, she actually sounds.I for one am glad she's English. Such an embarrassment !!!!!!!
Well said, Kate Hopkins, she put the Clinton News Network woman in her place.

Trump for 2016
Hopkins doing her Very Shouty Woman act....can't say I am remotely surprised.

What I am surprised about is how Sugar ever put up with her in the first place. A woman, now famous for being famous.
anneasquith, //I for one am glad she's English. Such an embarrassment !!!!!!! //

I know what you mean. I find your Nicola an embarrassment. So pleased she's not English.
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she's English, so it's ok to hate her Anne!
She didn't do her herself any favours there.

Katie Hopkins, to me, is amusing because she makes a fool of herself.
I thought the CNN lady gave as good as she got. Which was refreshing to see.
She is apparently in "advanced talks" to host a "lifestyle" show on RT

Make could not you up it
Arrange as appropriate

/// I wonder if this woman ever realizes how stupid,rude, she actually sounds.I for one am glad she's English. Such an
embarrassment !!!!!!! ///

Good job she isn't Nigerian for example, or that would be deemed racist.

Katie Hopkins for the new leader of UKIP.
aog at 11:49, haha! You're right! It would.

Katie Hopkins for the next leader of UKIP is stretching things a bit too far though. UKIP Leader ?...surely she will want a job that lasts more then 3 weeks ?

/// UKIP Leader ?...surely she will want a job that lasts more then 3 weeks ? ///

With such a strong opinionated person such as Katie at the helm the job would last much longer than three weeks.

Take 'your friend' Nigel for example.

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