Baldric - /////The employer then placed her in a situation where she would be required to sell alcohol, which she refused to do.///
Nowhere does it say she was moved from her normal workstation, the customer turned up at her Kiosk with Alcohol among his purchases. //
No, it doesn't, no argument there.
I can only assume, and I may be incorrect, but I am going to assume that the kiosk is staffed by a non-Muslim (or if not, one who has no problem with serving alcohol0 along with this Muslim employee. It may be that said colleague was missing, and the Muslim lady was left on her own, and that is what put her in the situation of having to serve alcohol.
I don't know - but from what we do know, she was exempted from serving alcohol, and then required to do so, and the responsibility for that scenario lies with her employers, and they appear to acknowledge that as well.