all I say is poor Queenie and Phil, having to have Lumpy and his latest trouble and strife in the hoose, plus having to organise major hurricane hair-dryers.
If Kim Jong Un were invited on a state visit you wouldn't hear a squeak, just like when Ceaucescu came. Domestic politics of another country are no business of ours.
Nothing would please me better than if Betty would rescind the invitation to this awful man. But it isn't going to happen, given the welcome she has given to worse than him over the years..... the Ceaușescu's for instance.
But we can all do our bit to temper the welcome when he comes over.
We can protest on the streets and let our dislike of this stupid racist be known.
Its Betty I feel sorry for here.....I hope she doesn't have her hand grabbed as they are going down the stairs at Buck House, like Mrs May did.
Yes. The invite has been extendeded, so too late to backtrack.
It now seems obvious that May intends to be the US's poodle even more so than Blair was. There are obvious dangers in that, as Blair is now widely regarded as an International War Criminal.
May needs to be wary to keep her distance, as she may be tarred with the same feathers that Trump is deservedly getting.
The holding hands photo op was vomit inducing. We should not be that close for our own good.