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The Dangers Of Social Media? A Lesson For Us All, Especially Young Poeple?

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ToraToraTora | 22:09 Mon 13th Feb 2017 | News
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tragedy, what was she thinking?


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Some people need attention, lots of it. They think at the time that any attention is better than no attention ( why they feel this way can be for a variety of reasons), so they sometimes do things to please other people which nurtures their need for attention. She made a sex tape with several men, doubtless because she enjoyed the attention and wanted to be the...
00:02 Tue 14th Feb 2017
I didnt manage to read much of that very long article, sadly I ran out of interest and sympathy fairly early on.
> Which kinda proved my point. If your daft enough to share to anywhere on the internet, it's not 'inadvertent'.

Well, we could argue about that. For example, the inadvertent part could be that you didn't realise that every photo you took was by default backed up to to iCloud.

Another example is iMessage. You only have to look at results for "imessage appearing on wrong device" ...

... to realise how it's possible to think you're messaging one person you trust implicitly, when in fact you could be messaging several people you don't trust at all. More examples of inadvertent sharing.

But why bother arguing about it? Whether it's deliberate or inadvertent, there are definitely lessons to be learned by those who can't or don't think through all the consequences in advance.
When I said educating, I meant to the dangers of social media, They 'know' because they're told and see it in the media but they still think it can never happen to them and it has ever been the case.
Some people need attention, lots of it. They think at the time that any attention is better than no attention ( why they feel this way can be for a variety of reasons), so they sometimes do things to please other people which nurtures their need for attention. She made a sex tape with several men, doubtless because she enjoyed the attention and wanted to be the centre of it. I doubt if it had just spread as a viral sex tape she would have cared because that would be more attention, but it didn't it was parodied and mocked and suddenly all the lovely attention she had garnered for herself (in her own mind at least) turned on her and instead of feeding her ego it attacked it. If you like, being 'desired' is one thing being 'laughed at' is it's polare opposite. She became very recognisable for all the wrong reasons and this is where her inherent vulnerability ( which probably made her crave attention in the first place) took hold and ultimately led her sadly to kill herself. She was already damaged before she made the tape, social media just enabled that damage to escalate to the point it sadly did. Lesson is if you are going to make tapes like that be prepared for the whole world seeing them, no-one can be relied upon to keep anything secret, people and relationships change, so be careful. She clearly wasn't thinking, that was the problem.
Well hello kav. sorry for going off topic
Welcome back, Vlad (thought for a moment I had clicked on an old thread)
Hi Anne, Hi Talbot :) (Apologies for the off topic too)
Hi K - sorry for derail x
that's how I read it, kvalidir. I don't think the particular platform makes much difference; in the past people might die of shame because, I don't know, their parents or their fellow Coldstream Guardsmen found out something they didn't want them to know. People should always be discreet, but they aren't always.
Pity she didn't just emigrate to where folk were less obsessed with her image/video. If she got into a serious relationship, an admission of what she was caught up in, in the past, would have spiked any potential future revelations.
Superb post from kvalidir explaining how, even if people share their videos deliberately, it can still go horribly wrong as in this case.

Yes, OG, she could have emigrated, changed her name and appearance when it all went wrong ... but these would be the actions of a rational person. Even then, to pull off such a move is daunting proposition.

That's not how iCloud photo sharing works.

If you have photo sharing turned on, you share named albums.

If, as in your example, someone took a risqué photo, it would be uploaded, but it goes into your 'All Photos' album. You would then have to copy it to an album you have previously shared.

It would have to be a decision, rather than a mistake.
sad story but a grown woman who owed herself a duty of care
I think the lesson for all of us is:

a) Only ever post things online that you would be happy with your parents or your boss seeing.

b) If you need to see yourself having sex, put a mirror in your bedroom. Don't film it.

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BA for kvalidir, very good answer.
Thanks for that sp. Still a problem with iMessage, though ...
She was a grown woman of 31 and responsible for her own actions, surely ?
She was HIA. Surprised at Tora defending her so much.

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