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Why Is This Conspiracy Theory Still Allowed To Go On?

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anotheoldgit | 16:51 Sun 12th Mar 2017 | News
62 Answers

After all a simple D&A test would put matters at rest, once and for all.



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// So we are asked to believe the story of the hair brush peter ?//

yup - it was in the daily mail so it must be true
Dissuade and debate is not the same as disallow.
.I think you better tell me what "disallow" means in this context

refuse to declare valid.
"he was offside and the goal was disallowed"
synonyms: reject, refuse, dismiss, say no to; More

you may feel that "refuse to declare valid" is different to "declare invalid" - if you do - then we better call in Andy Hughes hair splitter extraordinaire....
I'm not up for an argument, to my mind you can't disallow a theory - it's a notion,an idea.

For my own part I care not a cat's fiddle about Harry's parentage - he's a good chap.
I assumed saliva was necessary for a DNA test, and a hair follicle for the presence of illegal drugs ?
I hadn't heard that story before, PP. Who did they check his hair against?
Whoever " tested" the DNA don't seem have the confident to publish the results, odd that !!!!!
// I'm not up for an argument, to my mind you can't disallow a theory - it's a notion,an idea. //

that is because you have made up the word "disallow" and applied it to the word theory in a non standard way

a theory can exist -
I would probably disallow a theory like - "colourless green ideas sleep furiously" - thx to Chomsky for that one

but there are other theories you can "disallow" - George VI having two wives at the same time - he didnt
Henry VIII having nine wives instead of six and some of them men ! - Nope we know he stopped at six.

All mice having five feet - count a few and there will be a decent number with four - disallowing the theory. Most people would use 'disprove' in this context -or even apply the phrase "an experiment that would falsify the theory"

so it is possible to construct theories which are falsifiable - you can construct an experimentwhich would show if the theory is invalid ( untrue) in this case it would DNA which is royal AND has his fathers DNA and not Hewitts
[ the only other possibility being it is royal but not from him )
Popper would say these are the only theories allowable

this is not some crazy ABers idea
it is in fact mainstream scientific thought from the twentieth century and comes straight from

The Logic of Scientific Discovery (Routledge Classics) Paperback –
by Karl Popper (Author)

[ which I dont recommend - it is quite difficult to read]

and its been done in Hewitts case

and we havent even got onto the subject of the persistence of the porphyria gene in the royal family - the one that accounted for Geroge III's madness. o mi god the answer isnt D&A again ( AOG's fave biological molecule is it ? yes it is actually

there was an interesting prog on it about fifteen years ago
[and the answer for those who know what porfy-loola jeans are and what D&A really stands for - is new mutation / private gene showing a 'founder effect'. Now that really IS a theory you cant disallow !]
the porphyria story is here

disallowing the theory that royals dont do DNA
in fact they go to Poland ( once part of Germany rather than the bit that was one part of Russia ) and dug up Charlotte of Saxony-Meiningen, great-granddaughter of George III,

In Harry's case - he was at sandhurst and one of his'frenz' supplied the hair - for a decent wodge of moolah of course ....
poor harry - cant have friends that he could rely on ......
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/// People post threads about it. ///

Yes let's all not post anything a little controversial, let's post nice cosy threads such as nightly 'night songs', shall we?
AOG - //Mamyalynne

/// People post threads about it. ///

Yes let's all not post anything a little controversial, let's post nice cosy threads such as nightly 'night songs', shall we? //

Your snide swipe at Mamya is unwarranted.

The reason why this conspiracy theory is 'allowed to go on' is because conspiracy theories do not need 'permission' to continue circulating - they need only someone somewhere to mention them again, and off they go again - in this instance the someone is you and the somewhere is here - so it is you who is perpetuating this nonsense.

Quite why you willingly perpetuate a nonsensical conspiracy theory, and then criticise someone for succinctly pointing out the perfectly obvious answer, is a mystery on your can answer.

Maybe we can start a conspiracy theory about that instead.
It is impossible to believe, given the massive public interest in this silly nonsense, that the media have not by now obtained DNA samples from both parties and done the test, and that it is negative.

To have done and proved that Major Hewitt is Prince Harry's biological father is far too big a news story to have kept secret, so the fact that this silly of tittle-tattle is still perpetuated only underlines the pointlessness of conspiracy theories.
Particularly shiny armour this morning. :)
douglas - //Particularly shiny armour this morning. :) //

I would guess I am not alone in having no idea what you mean - can you explain please?
In fairness to AOG the title of the thread suggests he doesn't believe it himself.

It's started up again because of an interview with Hewitt.
the best conspiracy theories dont die
they just get recycled
this one has a turn around time of around twenty years

AOG is gonna say tomorrow
hey boys look at this - some yank is saying the CIA blew up the Twin towers fifteen years ago and it wasnt those awful towel heads after all - now there's a thing !

[ n the film showing the airplanes flying into the towers was FAKED - now that is a theory that cant be disallowed ! ] - and all the people who said they saw it with their own eyes - it is clearly mass hypnotism]

back to Harry
Hewitt is an absolute cad and short of money
Harry isnt
so Hewitt cant be Harry's father ergo....
ummmm - //In fairness to AOG the title of the thread suggests he doesn't believe it himself.

It's started up again because of an interview with Hewitt. //

That may be - but the question is itself pointless.

Why are conspiracy theories 'allowed to go on'? Because concepts don't need 'permission' - just interest, which is perpetuated by asking questions about then!
douglas - //Particularly shiny armour this morning. :) //

a knight in shining armour - saving mamalynne

and shinier armour - even more of a gentil and parfick knyghte
( that was meant to be Chaucer by the way )

so shinier armour in an even more parfick knyghte

seems obvious to me - shiny armour is the outward sign of a parfick knyghte

[ in real life absolute crap of course everyone has had great and timely help from strangers who look like gargoyles ]
the conspiracy theory I like best is:

Princess Di ( Harry's mother I think according to at least one theory ) married Elvis and they are keeping a chippie in Rochdate - under the witness protection scheme

can we have 50 posts on that please ?

it is after all a theory that cant and shouldnt be disallowed ...

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