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Why Is This Conspiracy Theory Still Allowed To Go On?

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anotheoldgit | 16:51 Sun 12th Mar 2017 | News
62 Answers

After all a simple D&A test would put matters at rest, once and for all.



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It's allowed to go on because people, for a variety of reasons, give credence to it.

Personally, I can't see any resemblance to Hewitt whatsoever.
Nor me!
jack - //Personally, I can't see any resemblance to Hewitt whatsoever. //

The most obvious resemblance, which tends to be enough for people who have too much time on their hands, is that both have red hair - conveniently ignoring that Princess Diana's father had red hair as a younger man - and photos show that Harry bears more of a resemblance to him than he does to Major Hewitt.
Quite so, Peter. :)
Don't you think the DNA test was done as soon as Harry was born ? if the results had been made public it would have rocked the monarchy, of course he is Hewitts and most older people like myself think this.
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A certain ABer who considers himself an avid debater and who regularly enters the News Section of AB, dares to question me for daring to enter a certain piece of news that has been covered by most of the media over the last 24 hours.

Well let me tell him, I will enter, as a thread, any piece of news that is 'in the news', without any directions from him.
AOG - //A certain ABer who considers himself an avid debater and who regularly enters the News Section of AB, dares to question me for daring to enter a certain piece of news that has been covered by most of the media over the last 24 hours. //

I haven't 'dared' anything AOG, stop being so confrontational, you are going to de-rail your own thread.

//Well let me tell him, I will enter, as a thread, any piece of news that is 'in the news', without any directions from him. //

I am not 'directing' you either, try not wasting your own thread space by stating the obvious - no-one has suggested that you can't post what you want about what you want, not me, not anyone else.
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Dee Sa

/// of course he is Hewitts and most older people like myself think
this. ///

Be careful Dee Sa, you are not allowed to hold a different opinion to a certain person on this site, because you might be described as obviously having too much time on your hands.
Harry resembles Hewitt more than he does his "father" ,brother . IMO
AOG - Do you really need/want to start the week off with that sort of self-indulgent whining?

No-one can stop you posting threads about whatever you like so rather than moan about non-existent efforts to silence you why don't you just stick to the substance of your thread rather than contribute to spoiling it?
Dee Sa how can you speak for 'most older people' unless you have undertaken a nationwide survey on this matter?

I think he gets his sandy coloured hair from his mother's side of the family. IMO he has a resemblance to Diana's brother, Earl Spencer.
anneasquith - //Harry resembles Hewitt more than he does his "father" ,brother . IMO //

It is quite common for two children in one family to resemble either a parent each, or parental traits from past generations.

So William is the image of his mother in looks, although quite like his father in temperament.

Harry resembles his grandfather in looks, and his mother in temperament.

I think the 'resemblance' is random, but given credence because of who is involved.
AH thanks for that wee lecture on genetics :-) . he resembles Hewitt more than any members of his" family " no need to reply I don't have the time for an 8 hour stint on AB . :-)
anneasquith - //AH thanks for that wee lecture on genetics :-) .

Apologies if I appeared to be 'lecturing' - not intended x.

//he resembles Hewitt more than any members of his" family " no need to reply I don't have the time for an 8 hour stint on AB . :-) //

I think he does if you are looking for it - but that is when these things occurred.

Several times at my eldest daughter's wedding I met her friends who told me they could see the 'resemblance' - a perfect illustration of my point - I am her step-father, so any 'resemblance' is seen by circumstances only, not biology.
I have always been fascinated by the fact that some people can 'see a resemblance' and others can't. Not sure why this is, but I have often said to someone, 'Isn't ?? the spitting image of ??' only to be told, 'Not at all.' So, there will be some who will always think that Harry looks like Hewitt, and others that don't. Think it's time they put this story to bed as it is probably upsetting for Harry although I think that by now, he probably ignores it.
Harry was born September 1984. Hewitt didn't meet Diana until summer 1986. The only likeness I can see is the red hair. Diana's sister has redhead children..
yes, the dates have never added up, Patsy.
Patsy - If a conspiracy theory lets facts get in the way, it instantly ceases to be a conspiracy theory!
I'd hazard a guess that if Harry didnt have red hair, this silly rumour would never had surfaced. It's a red herring. Not only is there significant red hair in the Spencer line, there is in the Windsor line. It has also been well documented that Diana didnt meet Hewitt until 1986.

Part of the problem is AOG, they cant win. If they dont do a DNA test the rumours persist; if they do do one and get the expected result (ie Harry is very much Charles' son) the story will be "there were doubts". Nothing will ever sate the desire of the red tops to dig up old nonsense when it's a slow news day so by doing nothing interest will wane.
Sorry Patsy and Jno, you werent there when I started typing.

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