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Absolutely breathtaking stuff from our self-styled intellectual voice of reason.
Completely missing the point since 2001.
Let's ask this, a Muslim gets into an argument with a Christian and kills him. Are you going to argue that it was an act of terrorism or just a crime?
Now that I read it again I see I should clarify that I'm referring to EDDIE51.
Zacs I do not credit him with anything. I put it up as a possible reason, we can never know what went on in his mind.
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You seem to be attempting to reason what went on in his mind Eddie. You need to make your mind up. He hired a car and drove it into the public and then stabbed a police officer in one of the most famous places in the world. Sure sounds like a terrorist act to me!
Describing these acts as done by some lone unhinged nutter rather than terrorists seem for some to make it more comfortable to accept. Westminster and H of P are a British 'icon' - of course that's why he picked there and of course he was Islam motivated
Eddie, try as you may, you're on a loser.
I don't think there is any doubt about it being a terrorist attack. I do though question whether Islam drove a sane man to murder or whether he was mentally disturbed and ISIS gave him the cause he needed.
Whichever way round, Islam was his motivation.
...except in the latter case, Naomi, ISIS would be a facilitator really and his motivation would be his desire to kill.

I don't know which it is btw, but from what we have read so far it looks like he has long harboured a desire to kill.
^^had not has.
Those saying he was mentally il and had nothing to do with islam, answer this, were all the members of the murdering IRA mentally ill or was it something else.?

i don't believe the man was mentally ill, that doesn't sound right to me, i believe he was a terrorist supported by Isis.
Webbo, you would have to provide some details of their background before anyone could answer that. I certainly couldn't tell you whether any of them had long harboured desires to kill, and desires that had nothing to do with the Irish situation. I doubt they did, and suspect that their motivation was the cause, but of course I don't know.
Islam is a disgusting cult that has no place in enlightened society.
Strangely, their biggest apologists are left wingers, feminists and homosexuals when they ought to be extreme right wingers, misogynists and homophobes.
Who are the apologists?

to a large extent i would consider myself a feminist but in no would i be called an apologist for this vile man or his skewed supporting of Isis.
there are many on the left who happily go along with the false idea that Islam is somehow a religion of peace, well tell that to all those killed in the Westminster attack and 7/7 including 9/11.
Of course isn't the religion of peace. That doesn't mean there aren't peaceful Muslims.
Garaman, \\Webbo, you would have to provide some details of their background//

Stop dodging the question we all know why the IRA did what they did, in case you dont know it was for a united Ireland and to end British rule so i doubt mental illness played a part, but it seems every islamic terrorist attact is down to mental illness.


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