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Morn Tony, I think when the Dust settles a few more will join the UK, it need someone with B---s to stand up to the EU & it looks like the Brits have & always has it.
07:44 Wed 29th Mar 2017
I am so proud to have been instrumental in giving us back our freedom. The bubbly has been on ice for days. It will be (as emmie said) a bumpy ride, which is why we need to stand together - we really could do with Mme. Caviar shutting up for a couple of years.

The EU is going to have massive problems and will probably collapse in its present form before too long (2020?) - we will at least have made an orderly exit. Any mistakes we make will be our own mistakes, not those created by a faceless, nameless committees.

A joyous day - but my younger daughter will be crying (her in-laws got at her). We are probably the last generation not to be afraid of freedom. The EU beaurocrats are going to try to be VERY nasty to us, but I think that pragmatism will prevail by governments. I'm trying to imagine the French farmer's reaction to export tariffs! 'Sacre bleu*@**?' - with a dumping of manure on all motorways to close them to emphasise their point.

^^^ farmers'
Agreed, jourdain

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