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Irish Brexit Basher

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fender62 | 13:25 Sat 01st Apr 2017 | News
24 Answers
why are there so many brexit bashers and doom mongers over the uk's brexit, as far as there concerned it will be britians downfall and the end of the world, no optimism whatsoever.
i think it's because the cash cow will not give any more milk and they dont like it.


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Would a cash cow not give, er, cash?
An Irish MEP ( nose in trough) warns that the EU has the upper hand , would you take a man with a silly haircut seriously.
there is no shortage of doom mongers, mostly those that voted remain and want it all to go pete Tong so they can shout na na nana na, told you so. Pathetic. It's no surprise that a snout in trough MEP from a net receiver nation is spitting the dummy out, probably worried who's going to support his useless plaster when the EU collapses because countries like his have now got to stump up to compensate for the UKs dues.
I asked something similar on another thread.

They are talking the UK down and, as much as some unrealistic thinking on here has said it makes no difference to the outcome, you do lose negotiating power when your opponent can see a weakness.

The weakness of a divided nation. Divided by remain/Brexit. Divided by those on a net profit/loss. Divided by those with/without power. Divided by left/right.
// why are there so many brexit bashers and doom mongers over the uk's brexit//
when everyone kn ows without any evidence at all ( so its an alternative fact and hence must be true) that it is gonna be all milk and honey the Day AFTER the vote !

oops we have had that a year ago and it wasnt

milk and honey the Day AFTER the Brexit ! [ yeah dat den]

//the cash cow will not give any more milk and they dont like it. //
yeah the usual craxy Brxit daily thread. we were going to put them into their own pen but the editor turned it down
Britain was an overall contributor and so there WAS no cash cow
that was the chief reason to brexit .....
but Hey ! lets say there is a cash cow ! - this is after all the daily Brexit thread ! it doesnt have to be true - it doesnt even have to make sense !
// Would a cash cow not give, er, cash?//

stop it Doug you bad boy ! this is a Brexit thread - and you are making sense !

I'll repooooooooort you !
PP, if you note douglas's avatar, you can tell he speaks from experience
If it were an NI MEP who said this I might understand, but what has it got to do with a Dubliner? Unless, of course, as has been said, they will no longer be able to leech off us.
PP, if you note douglas's avatar, you can tell he speaks from experience//
If that is indeed a ring through the nose of Douglas's avatar, there wouldn't half be some palaver if you did indeed try to "milk" it. Moooooo.(^_*)
I read that every single member of the Newsnight team voted remain (Rod Liddle in the Spectator) so it's little surprise how biased their reporting is.
I think, without being too disparaging, many are talking the UK down from a position of ignorance. The UK joined the EU in 1973. It has been a member for 44 years meaning that nobody under about 60 has any meaningful recollection of anything but the UK belonging to the EU. Furthermore, many people believe that it is the only model that can succeed in Europe. They don’t seem to take on board that many, many more nations are not EU members than are. Many of them seem to survive perfectly well, some thriving far better than any EU nation. Because they have been told so many times that the UK cannot thrive outside the EU as others do, many people seem to have no notion that it actually can.

I accept that the UK is in a different position to nations that have never been EU members in that they do not have to untangle themselves from 44 years of over-zealous meddling in UK affairs (which successive governments have steadfastly refused to accept and address).

I could understand all this if the EU was a resounding success. But it is not. In many respects it is an abject failure and its policies have cause huge hardship and penury across the much of the Continent. The time has come for a change. The UK has chosen to make that change. There will be tricky times ahead and the Remainers will bleat every time a problem is encountered. But the problems that arise will be because the UK has become so hopelessly enmeshed with the UK – a situation that our politicians should never have countenanced - that leaving will be messy. But that does not mean it shouldn’t be done.
yeah I thought douglas' avatar was a boy

but as you look out of my window you see row after row of urban housing and I thought I must have forgetten what cows look like.

you knoq - where does milk come from?
oh Lidl's third aisle after you go in towards the back .....
The only advantage the EU has over the UK is that if they choose to be bloody-minded and deliberately not accept a win/win situation but demand the unacceptable, then only their industries heavily into selling to the UK will experience upheaval, whilst the UK would have upheaval across the board. However I'm sure that the UK has the sense to treat the demand that they can not negotiate trade agreements outside the EU until the exit conditions have been agreed, with the disdain it so richly deserves. We will not be handing the EU control of us, and will surely have much ready to go after 2 years of discussions and ludicrous vetos given to envious countries hoping the steal from the UK. (One has to wonder sometimes whether countries eager to play dirty tricks are the correct group of countries to be trading with. Surely there must be some honourable ones out there who would be better choices ?)
...TO steal...
Like I _-(-_&+ wrote !!!!!
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far as i can see the uk has been stifled by our membership of the eu fascist club, what benefits mmm err single market, anyone remember when the berlin wall came down and the over zelious eu commanders decided we need to invite third world x soviet block countries to join and whose infrastructure was broke, now...was that a good idea ,all iv seen is a giant bloody money pit..and yet they want to invite more bankrupt countries, so the well off can..again bail them out, somethings cannot be fixed, like funding money to many times, if i had my way i recolonise it, and make the bloody place work, it's obvious our coloured cousins cannot, look at south there independence now it's going to my case..
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Spammer on a news thread
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...on the other hand, if we had adopted the euro we might not be leaving - the mayhem you describe would have had an effect on the referendum.

The experts may yet prove to have been right as the euro is doing better than the pound. The situation may reverse but you seem to be assuming that is a given, when it isn't.
birdie; // The only real beneficiaries of EU membership in those poorer countries are the ruling elites who suddenly find themselves awash with other people's money from the EU trough//
Hear-Hear, though initially everyone appears to benefit but which section of these societies are left with the horrendous bills? Please see my thread;

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