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-Talbot- | 07:54 Wed 03rd May 2017 | News
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How can anyone vote for Corbyn?

A great puce from Tim Marshall



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Mikey, //those comments about Abbot were reprehensible, and I am surprised that the Editor allowed some of them to remain. //

Now you're being ridiculous. I didn't see you saying the same when Donald Trump was in the firing line. You joined in those threads with considerable relish!
I agree Mikey especially in the case of Gove.The sad truth about the whole thing is that at the moment there is no politician of either main party who stands out and I have to include our current prime minister in that.
Agree 100% Grumps !
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How on earth you have the audacity tp proclaim yourself as a 'political animal' (your words) mikey is beyond me.

Stop being a coward and attempt to to answer the Q's on this thread rather than light a smokescreen.

You are always willing to slate Tommy Robinson, Donald Trump, Nigel Farage, Katie Hopkins etc. That's fine but now either defend or slate the actions of Corbyn.
naomi, MAABOF would be mad as a box of frogs. I leave you to guess who wrote that particular pollicy analysis.
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Look Diane Abbot is a genius ... now can we forget her and focus on the leader of the party?

With a CV like his are you happy to vote this man into power?

It's the point I make regularly, the media are like a dog with a bone over the abbot type c0ckup, obscuring the actual issue. It happens all the time to lots of different politicians, look at Farron last week, he had to defend the accusations of homophobia for a week and thus failed to get anywhere on their key target issues. Ditto MAABOF yesterday. What about The PMs trousers the other month? It's the media that annoy on these things.
In the red corner we have Corbyn's Labour Party: like it or not, a foursome of Jeremy, the Trotskyite John McDonnell, the hapless Diane Abbott and 'metro woman' Emily Thornberry' are an 8-legged monster effectively canvassing for the Tories. The very people Lynton Crosby would probably have picked to campaign against.
Sadly tho what do we have in the Blue corner? A seemingly policyless Tory party with an abject leader being made to look good with daft antiEU slogans and the sheer appalling prospect of the opposition. Caught in the headlights of a looming Brexit train.
And then there are the Lib Dems who might get up to 15 seats.
Daft policies versus no idea
Heaven help us
plenty of people will vote for Corbyn, Labour, same as those who will vote Tories.
As I have said many times on here over the years I believe a good Government is made by a good opposition. Unfortunately Labour seem to be imploding at a very critical time in our countries history. Shame on them.

How can anyone vote for JC? Assuming you mean the implication of voting for you local MP means you vote in JC as PM I would imagine there are three main camps of JC voters.

1) The die hards such as Mickey who will never ever believe Labour could do any wrong even when there is absolute proof they are failing.
2) The vehement anti Tories, mainly from Liverpool and Scotland who for some reason are unable to move on from the Good Lady's years.
3) Those just leaving, or still in, the socialist indoctrinating education system.
Well that CV to me describes nothing one would relate to true Labour, in fact he is an exact example of the slovenly antiestablishment Marxist loving students I went to uni with except unlike most of them he's never grown out of it. He's an infiltrator.
I know we're not supposed to mention Diane but you can't forgive her performances like you could other run-of-the-mill MPs on all sides - she'd be our Home Secretary fgs.
The one thing I will say in Corbyn's favour is that he does not terrify half as much as Abbott.
I know there's as much chance of Labour winning as there is of me copping-off with Liz Hurley, but just for the sake of the argument let's suspend reality and suppose they did, we would have;

Jeremy Corbyn as Prime Minister.
Diane Abbott as Home Secretary.
John McDonnell as Chancellor of the Exchequer.

The three most important jobs in government filled by these clowns.

If this doesn't put people off voting Labour, I have no idea what will.
Diane Abbott is basically OK, apart plainly from being hopelessly unbriefed, but given that Labour is all over the place that is unavoidably. Where there is already chaos then it is in a way understandable.
John O'Donnell is the really sinister element. A Trotskyite fired by Ken Livingstone from the GLC for having barmy left wing views. That is quite a CV.
What we need is TonyTonyTony. :)
BennBennBenn ?
//... fired by Ken Livingstone from the GLC for having barmy left wing views.\\

Is that true? Jeez, we are in trouble then!
" Is that true? Jeez, we are in trouble then! "

Yes, as Dannny Finkelstein recalls in the Times today, back in the rate-capping era of the Thatcherite 80s, there was a campaign by many councils to fight back against the cuts. However it so happened that the GLC's cap actually enabled them to INCREASE spending. McDonnell at that time was the GLC's finance chief and his plan was to fiddle the figures and pretend the opposite. This was too much even for Ken, who complained to McDonnell: "We're going to look like the biggest ****ing liars since Goebbels" (Ken was plainly an expert on the Nazis). Eventually McDonnell, his reputation in tatters with his own party colleagues, had to quit.
\\ Diane Abbott is basically OK, apart plainly from being hopelessly unbriefed,//
Who's fault is that?
If She wants to taken as a serious contender for being the home secretary she should have made damn certain she was well briefed. She should have known the question of funding would arise, if she didn't then she is not fit for the job.
you didn't mention the post of Foreign Secretary, Deskdiary. Perhaps you think a donkey with a red rosette would inspire ore onfidence than the current one?

It is anyway dificult to discuss policy when politicians won't. Ask May about pension locks and ... well, she might hide you in the cupboard

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