it's very worrying, isn't it. I'm baffled at the number of big companies, government departments and so on that are hacked; they so often seem to be one step behind the people they're supposed to be guarding against.
their systems are so antique - saw that in there when having a gall bladder, anaesthetics way behind and not even linked into the main system at Treliske....
Clicking links on dodgy emails sent to big corporations is so easily done, I had one myself the other day, it looked like it was from a previous colleague who was also a friend. only at the last minute did I stop myself. It was a complete fake.
It seems to be spreading world-wide. Spain and Australia are badly affected, I believe. This is, of course, evil. Unfortunately - there are evil people about, and always will be. Perhaps it might be an idea to go back to having a paper & pen back-up? I'm always having arguments about booking forward appointments because 'the computer doesn't go that far'. A diary does.
There have been reports of pen and paper being used during consultations today and in fact every time I go to Hospital my written notes are added to whilst I am there.
Makes sense mamya. I only left France 2 years ago and my GP always kept a written record. Useful, because I had cause to ask her about the date of a vaccination recently and all she had to do was fetch my file and look.
This illustrates my grave concern about the computerisation of everything. Paper records should be kept of anything important -and a lot of things are.