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A Fitting Monument To One Of The Greatest Prime Ministers Of The 20Th Century

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youngmafbog | 10:48 Sat 13th May 2017 | News
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Quite right too. About time!
I agree with 10Clarion here. There was mass unemployment in the 80's, most of it completely unnecessary.

She was very good for the middle classes, and more importantly, the pseudo-middle classes, but for the bulk of the working class she was a disaster. Here in South Wales, she and the Tories were hated, and its only now, nearly 40 years later, that the Party is starting to be trusted again.

I read in the news this morning, that Britain is dangerously short of Nurses. 60,000 are needed. And we have 20,000 less Police than we did in 2010. And yet some people will still vote for the Party that caused this !
Do you think Mikey that she should have kept the mines open despite the fact that they were losing money hand over fist and the government would have sunk had they kept them open?
Did you think that she should have magic'd jobs out of no where to keep people in paid employment?
There comes a time when people have to take responsibility for their own lives!
Islay...her Government threw millions of people out of work, into misery, without thinking about the consequences.

And I am not just talking about coal mines, although after all the mines were closed, we still needed coal, but her preference was to use imported coal, this importing unemployment at the same times as the coal. The idea that coal imported from Perth, Australia could possibly have been cheaper than home produced coal, made no sense at all, as the power stations didn't have to pay for all the social security benefits to unemployed miners and their families.....the British tax payer had to foot the bill for that.

If you were poor, than her Government was a disaster.
Got to wonder who kept voting for her then. Three consecutive elections, wasn't it?
Of course it was cheaper to import mass amounts of coal than to keep failing mines open.
We still do it today - it costs a fraction to import coal than to mine it ourselves!
Sorry Mikey but if you think she got any pleasure how of making a fraction of the country unemployed in order to support the country as a whole then you need to seek help for your delusions!!
Naomi well obviously according to some there was a vast middle class that kept her in but I wonder how there could be so many middle class when apparently she made most of the country unemployed! haven't understood my point.

Its only cheaper to import coal from the other side of the world, because the companies that use that coal don't have to pay for all the SS benefits. If you added all those benefits into the calculation, then it makes that imported coal very expensive indeed. Those SS benefits have to paid for though, and the British tax payer had to foot the bill, and that means you and me.
Islay....where have I or any body else said that "most" people were unemployed ?

For the record, during the period of Tory rule unemployed figure rose from 1.5 million in 1979 to over 3 million.
.... and yet they voted for her. Curious.
Have to agree, they did vote for her, they also kept voting for Tony Blair. !!!!
They did indeed. Funny old world.
Anne...whatever we think about Blair, he didn't cause bank rates to soar to 14%, for mortgage sates to soar to over 18% , and unemployment to rise over 3 million.
Did you remember the state of the country when she took over?
Callaghan drove this country into the winter of discontent, the country was in recession and inflation was at over 20%.
100 people died during firefighters strikes, they threw money at freezing rents and raising benefits and giving money to unions and all it did was drive this country further into the ground, they were a party for one part of society. So you really cannot moan about what the Tories did to this country as they had to dig it out of the hole Labour put it in!!
It's hardly that curious. Folk had been incensed by a few large unions trying to demand more than was reasonable allowing someone with extreme views and inability to be reasonable to gain favour. There are plenty of historic examples of folk voting for the bad guy because they found something that would appeal and was able to exploit it. Recall it only takes a small shift of opinion for one party to lose votes, the other win them, and the combined difference to be dramatic.
Having an issue to deal with does not mean trying to solve it with a sledgehammer and hang the consequences to everyone affected. The whole attitude and philosophy was wrong.
In fairness I have to commend Tony Blair on his education policy. He taught me never to vote Labour again.

This is after 7 years of Tory rule.....does anybody still think that the NHS is safe in Tory hands ?
Thanks OG....the voice of common sense at last !

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