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Mcr Attack....

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10ClarionSt | 11:36 Tue 23rd May 2017 | News
248 Answers
....The usual cobblers from Theresa May. Not just her. We get this all the time. They won't, disrupt us/attack on democracy/we are stronger/we will move forward/security working hard etc etc. You will never stop someone who wants to kill his or herself. No matter how they want to do it. People are talking about the goodness in Muslims, e.g. the taxi drivers last night(were they all Muslims?), medical staff, security staff etc. but I would bet the suicide bomber wasn't a white person. We keep hearing all this guff about Muslims but the fact is (and it IS a fact) that all these terror attacks are perpetrated by Muslims. Don't dress it up. Don't try and be weedy and feeble about how nice they are. Somewhere inside the Muslim community there is a poisonous element who want to murder British people. Fact. But don't mention it to anyone. We don't want to upset them do we?


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Naomi, I didn't write the rules and I do respect opinions even if I don't always agree, but insults are insults.
Apart from spam I have report 3 posts in my 11 years here. It's hard when someone spouts about non white kids spoiling your life when you are the grandmother of 3 non white grandchildren. That was my motivation. And so do I, stand by my actions. xx
Mamyalynne, As I understand it the rules refer to personal insults. I didn't see her insult anyone here, but if you did then she broke the rules.
Yes she did and those posts were removed.

I don't tell lies, there's no point to that.
Mazie, you can't let personal circumstances sway your judgement. Things are often said on here that, through personal circumstances, I find quite hurtful, but the speaker is unaware of my circumstances and therefore cannot be blamed. We can't forever be watching what we say for fear of inadvertently upsetting the anonymous reader. The next time it happens, if you're of the mind, challenge the speaker and tell her the facts of life!!
Mamyalynne, fair enough, the personal insults were removed. I'm at a loss to understand your reference to telling lies - or otherwise - but never mind. Bedtime for me. Night all. x
Sorry, yes that looks confusing - I simply meant they were there I hadn't invented them.

Night x
I followed this thread all day yesterday (as I expect did many others) and saw all the posts before they were removed. Lynn's answers were indeed shocking and racist however I did not see her insult anyone personally and TTT's remark was positively mild. A topic like this where emotions run high should have been left in tact IMO, there was unpleasantmess from both sides of the fence.
Perhaps the "side of the fence" has a bearing on what is considered unacceptable?
AnswerBank is *not* a Private Members Club. People from all corners of the Earth can visit and read these threads. Longtime members have no carte-blanche to fire straight from the 'tell it how it is' and to make grossly insulting statements to a) fellow contributors, or, b) anyone who has decided to peruse the site for the first time.
Tora-Geezer-Tora needs to dial back the bombast and stop telling anyone disagreeing with him that they are terrorist sympathisers or apologists, he has been warned about that in the past.
Lynn_M' s racist comments were rightly removed because they were factually incorrect and grossly insulting.
To give over time, on a thread of this nature, to rebutting those comments is to do a disservice to the contributors who are actually able to keep a civil tongue in their heads.
I tend to agree with Prudie, I only popped in and out of this thread throughout the day and missed the "offensive" post(s) of Lynne but I would like to read them and see for myself. Is someone being so politically correct to protect me? (I don't shock easily). Is AnswerBank becoming more and more like a parish magazine?
I too followed this thread yesterday and feel the answers should have been left intact, I think the written word is often misconstrued and when a person feels backed into a corner it may be the only way they know to get out of it. Remove the comments is one thing but if there were to be suspensions there wouldn't or shouldn't be as many on here this morning.
I agree with Prudie too.
I like free speech

as Monsewer Voltaire said -" I do not agree weez what you say but I will fight to the dess ....." [ for your right to say it]
Khandro- one of Lynns posts which I was very shocked at said that " ALL non- white people in this country were to the detriment of our children" . The wording isn't exact but it 100% said all non- white people...
Smowball - shocking maybe, but then the poster should be challenged as to why she thought that and then the fact be open to challenge.

It was a comment that simply doesn't stand up on any level.

Just seen this thread and not read all the answers but it looks like it has become quite heated. I dont suppose my views will please everybody here either. We have far to many Muslims in the UK, they are changing our cultures our way of life, they are trying to change our laws, they are making areas Muslim controlled zones where non Muslims are not wanted. Areas where women are abused for wearing clothing that Muslims find offensive.
They are grooming our children and sexually assaulting or raping them and now they are killing them. We will never stop it but we can reduce it, we need to take down all the Mosques and stop welcoming them with open arms, they need to accept our cultures and our way of life, if they cant do that they can go to one of the many Muslim countries! I am fortunate not to have to live among them and very rarely meet them in my corner of the world, and when I do, I treat them with the respect that I would of any other human being, however, I think I may struggle to do that in a Muslim community, where I think my tolerance and respect might very quickly wear very thin!!
smowball, that isn't a personal attack. It's an opinion, albeit an odd one. The problem here is often because of their own circumstances, some people take what others say personally, report the offending remark, and 'zap'! Only recently people were admonished on here for talking about the obese. They were expected to pussyfoot around the subject simply because one member happens to be obese. It's ludicrous. The fact is opinions are never changed by silencing them. Best left on view and challenged.
I absolutely agree it wasn't a personal attack - just an opinion. Still not a nice opinion.
She made it personal in one of her replies to Mazie when it was pointed out that Mazie had mixed race grandchildren

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