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Mcr Attack....

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10ClarionSt | 11:36 Tue 23rd May 2017 | News
248 Answers
....The usual cobblers from Theresa May. Not just her. We get this all the time. They won't, disrupt us/attack on democracy/we are stronger/we will move forward/security working hard etc etc. You will never stop someone who wants to kill his or herself. No matter how they want to do it. People are talking about the goodness in Muslims, e.g. the taxi drivers last night(were they all Muslims?), medical staff, security staff etc. but I would bet the suicide bomber wasn't a white person. We keep hearing all this guff about Muslims but the fact is (and it IS a fact) that all these terror attacks are perpetrated by Muslims. Don't dress it up. Don't try and be weedy and feeble about how nice they are. Somewhere inside the Muslim community there is a poisonous element who want to murder British people. Fact. But don't mention it to anyone. We don't want to upset them do we?


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god what an awful woman ....
What was awful about that? Forget it's her and the words are difficult to disagree with.
^ bit like Tommy Robinson...
Truth hurts.
Peter; You may not like the messenger, that's up to you, but what she is saying in essence is that because of European Islamic terrorism - Manchester being the most recent and will by no means be the last, she no longer wants her children to join large public gatherings - this in Great Britain 2017! So the terrorists have won, haven't they ?
I've been unsuccessful in trying to find out if Andy "Business as usual" Burnham has personal protection to go with his new position, I'm sure he has, but in doing so I discovered that the president of the EU, Antonio Tajani (who he?) has 12 bodyguards, Angela Merkel who has expressed "Grief and horror" and finds it "incomprehensible" (at the outcome of her own policies) has 15. Katie, like the rest of us, has none.
Khandro, Katie doesn't require any bodyguards.

She can shoot from the hip in the blink of an eye :-)
Very well said Katie, and true ....

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