Jim, //Reprisals against a community, of any form, are wholly distasteful.//
Time perhaps we abandon our British good manners.
To address all the posts regarding the perpetrator’s place of birth – that is completely irrelevant. Understand that he was an Islamist – a member of ‘the brotherhood’ – and that knows no boundaries.
Zacs-Master, according to BBC news tonight the threat level has been raised to the maximum.
Concerning Lynn, one man’s ‘racism’ is another’s ‘truth’, so let’s stop with the ganging up, the virtue signalling, and the childish reporting and allow people to exercise their ‘right’ to free speech. You might not like what she has to say, but she has a right to say it. Challenge her with logical argument – none of which I’ve seen - but don’t silence her simply because you, personally, object to what she says. That way lies a very slippery slope.