Does This Show The Us Agencies Are Out Of Control? in The AnswerBank: News
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Does This Show The Us Agencies Are Out Of Control?

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youngmafbog | 08:24 Thu 25th May 2017 | News
12 Answers
One begins to wonder about their so called 'leaks' about The Donald.

That aside I'm rather glad they did on this occasion. No longer does Rudd and her cohorts have the opportunity to mislead us with tails of 'lone wolf' or 'Mentally ill'.
we can now see the full scope and it does look like there is some incompetence, or complacency at least in our own services.

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Why would you consider an "opportunity" to pass this off as a lone individual operation may have been taken ? After the investigation and arrests surely the involvement of others would have been known ? Unless you believe no investigation would have taken place. All the leak will have done is put the others on their guard. (They are all obviously mentally ill because they think killing innocents and themselves too, is ok. That is not a sane opinion.)
Well I hope TM gives Trump a slap on the wrists. Naught boy .
The leak of vital information at that sensitive 'window of opportunity' to gather more information perhaps without the enemy knowing is not helpful at all. Anyone who thinks it is right to shout it out and give fare warning to the perpetrators is delusional if they think it would have been kept secret for too long. It just needed to be on the QT for a limited time.

I cannot believe anyone is so without thought that they think it would be passed off as a lone walk lunatic when all the evidence points otherwise.

Thank goodness they are not in charge.
Goodness knows what the Yanks are up to, but I don't suppose we'll ever find out. It may just be one of those "oops, I left a vital memory stick on the bus" things that happen here too.

But do you want British security forces to be able to carry on their work clandestinely or not? Personally, I like knowing, from the likes of Snowden, what they're doing in my name - but the reverse of your position, not In individual cases that are still going on.
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Personally I dont trust any Leaders anymore. Too many lies have been spun and this whole issue has been kept under wraps.

Clearly they did know the extent but chose to keep us in the dark, the idea they would pass it off as a lone wolf is not as fanciful as you may like to think. You could see the start of if from people like Mr Burnham. And it has been done across Europe too.

I do agree though they should have kept quite a little longer.
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//Well I hope TM gives Trump a slap on the wrists. Naught boy . //

You really think it was Mr Trump? No, firstly he would have tweeted it, secondly the US agencies have been trying to undermine him from day 1.
no I am not glad someone leaked
I bet it turns out it was for money - why else leak details of a 'foreign'operation ? it cant be "arent we good at investigating?" and it certainly cant be "arent THEY good at investigating"

They also had viddie of the fella buying The Blue Bag in the arndale

so complacent they are not - police milling about everywhere - protecting us

O god not the "I didnt leak : and I am not responsible for any of my employees" excuse....

the Americans leaked the identity of the suspect before British police had even got to his home to search it. That's hugely irresponsible and serves only to drive a wedge between UK and US security forces, meaning everyone's job becomes harder. I can't see how this could form part of a war against Trump: the best interests of the FBI (or whoever) are served by them doing their work efficiently, not by giving Trump a pretext for sacking the lot of them.
I agree ymb....the Government need to explain to us why someone that was fully known about was able to commit this atrocity.

Fallon and Rudd are just waffling, and we need answers.
Most, if not all, of those who have committed these atrocities, have been known about. Nothing changes.
Knowing someone is a possible terrorist isn't something one can do a massive lot about, since you might be mistaken and interfering in an innocent's life. Keeping tabs, as far as practical, on the suspects, and bringing in the criminals if an incidence occurs, is about the best one can do. So when something occurs there is criticism regarding they being known about, but that is praiseworthy as they got close to stopping that one also. Can't expect perfection in an imperfect world and stop everything.

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