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Latest Electoral Calculus prediction is Tory majority of 92. The pound in your pocket (remember that?) is safe.
Don't get too excited Mikey! Think of the old 'ticker'!

As I have written a couple of times here, Prime Minister Corbyn is a possibility. As I have also written, that will be the end of the UK economy, culture and way of life.

A very worrying time.

We are in the era of everyone wanting something for nothing. Mr Corbyn offering the world for free will scoop up the votes.

The fact savings will become worthless, jobs will be difficult to find as companies leave,immigration increases massively compounding the infrastructure issues and the simple fact the numbers simply dont add up and it will be a coalition of rabble rousers means it will be a catastrophe.

Still you reap what you sow May.
Looking good.
Remember Ed Miliband....
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The Tories were supposed to be re-launching their Manifesto, but David Davies was mysteriously stopped from doing so last Friday. So where is this re-launch, and why is necessary to do so, this close to the Election date ?

Mrs May looks to me to be having an attack of the "frits"
I do remember Ed Miliband.

Frankly, he wish he'd won the last election. I think the country would be a better place.
His name is Davis, not Davies.
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Thanks Jack....I can always rely on you to bring up petty points !
I think many are choosing to ignore Corbyn, Abbott and McDonnell and look to the freebies, naively accepting it will be 'the rich' who will pay for it, forgetting that many of those rich will simply relocate out the country to one of their other properties.

And I doubt we will see the return of the likes of Branson to pay for it.
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In Wales, the Tories couldn't even manage to persuade their front bench to appear on last night's live debate ::
Looking good. //

You think Sterling dipping is good??
Heard about this for the first time last night -- thankfully Radio Four put it in a bit of context. The headline figure comes with an error of 30 or 40 seats either way.

Intriguing, but no more than that. I still think Labour have a very long way to go before they are doing anything other than damage control.
"Sterling Dips" such attention seeking headlines are misleading; the fluctuations are very small, continuous and normal, linking it to what the polls say is specious, you can link it to anything you like - the weather if you want, it's an old trick of journalists.
Current corporation tax: 19%

Proposed rate under Labour: 26%

Rate in 2010: 28%

EU average: 26%

USA: 38%

Gosh, what a radical tax policy....
In Wales the Tories currently hold 25% of the seats and that may well increase. In Scotland they are predicted to go from 1 to as high as 10. We shall see.
That's not entirely true, Khandro -- the headline in this poll came out and then the pound dropped by over half a cent in the course of five minutes.

Granted, the fluctuation is still small-ish in the grand scheme of things, and registers as naught compared to June 23rd -- when, again nothing special happened to explain the ~15 cent fall that's perfectly normal.

Unsurprising. Finance markets are overreactive to any rumour, like any other market. And no rational​ person want a committee​ of folk with different aims having a say in Brexit negotiations. Anything could happen, there'd be near zero confidence in being able to predict how to maximise profit from the change.

The sooner a more believable result emerges from some other poll, the better.

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