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Labour, Least Of All It's Leader, Has No Idea.

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anotheoldgit | 12:24 Sun 23rd Jul 2017 | News
80 Answers

/// Corbyn admits he had no idea how much it would cost when he told students he would 'deal with' their existing debts and denies the pledge was ever meant to be a promise ///

/// He told the BBC's Andrew Marr: 'I pointed out we had written the manifesto in a short space of time because there was a surprise election ///

Oh so organised aren't they, do you want them ruling this country?


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What am I making up Mikey?
Diane Abbott sent her son to a private school(for the many not the few)

Jeremy Corbyns son works for John McDonnell@48k pa( for the many not the few.

Len McCluskys daughter works for Corbyn @40kpa(for the many not the few)

Apparently McDonnells son works for Corbyn@50kpa

Shami Chakribati send her kids to a 18kpa school despite criticising selective education.(for the many not the few)

I really hope they dont.

"Well he said enough just before the election to make lots of young impressionable people vote for them. Hopefully they will see through him next time."

Alas they won't. At least not until they get a little older and no longer know everything.
If Labour get in it won't be long until they are doing what Denis Healey had to do in '76, asking the IMF for a bail out.
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It's a good job he didn't have this promise written on the side of the campaign bus.
How utterly depressing. It is sad how unprepared they were on this issue and how irresponsibly they made these spending commitments.

Do I want them running the country?

Yes, our broken and undemocratic electoral system leaves me with no other choice. Even taking into account what I wrote above and all the other reservations I have about Labour, I prefer them to the Conservatives. I'd love to vote for another option, but I don't have one. :/
//our broken and undemocratic electoral system leaves me with no other choice//

No one is stopping you forming another party, that is democracy.

Mr Corbyn (note I did not say Labour) however with his Marxist/Communist views would probably seek to stop other parties winning though.
Words are semantics.

He and his team said it in such a way as to seem like a pledge to the majority of people. And that's all they needed.

They didn't need to be honest about it they just needed enough people to believe it.

That coupled with the fact they didn't feel it necessary to put them right at the time just goes to show how untrustworthy they are.

Given a straight choice between Labour and Conservatives and I wouldn't go with Conservative because they don't want to bankrupt the country and leave the U.K. In such a poor state my children will be paying the price for their short term accolades for decades to come.

Politics isn't about rich and poor, haves and have nots it's about responsibility both personal and national and I don't trust Labour with the purse holding the change let along access to the bank account.
"They didn't need to be honest about it they just needed enough people to believe it."

"some other means of reducing that debt burden.”

Reducing a debt burden is not wiping it out is it? Perhaps folk should take the time to read what was said rather than making up claims.
Well I asked what it meant, seems no one knows. It obviously means some sort of financial assistance though and students definitely thought it meant wipe it out with Labour not putting the brakes on those thoughts at election time. I wonder why not.
Oh bloomin auto correct.... I would go with Conservative.

What is so hard to understand about 'a lot of mainly younger people' read the words, heard the words and thought it meant their uni debts would be taken away. What is so hard to understand about a lot of not uni students read the words, heard the words and thought it meant the uni debts would be taken away and finally when that was said out loud NOT ONE Labour man or woman put them right.... until now.

You can bleat on about he didn't promise. That simple fact is people though he did and he didn't put them right.

No amount of excuses or back peddling will change the perception and positive result it had at the time.
//No one is stopping you forming another party, that is democracy.//

Not if it's a two-horse race by design. The Spoiler Effect means that if I do set up a political party and it is successful I will actually aid my strongest opponent. Which doesn't happen under other systems.
Does anyone have any links to Labour's pledge to write off (not reduce) student debts?
There seems to be no doubt that students voted for Corbyn because of his tuition fees promises, and they openly admitted this on local news programmes. I hope they can now see reason.
Vorbyn's student promise - as attractive and committal as a fart in Tim Peake's spacesuit.
V - for Vladimir Corbyn. of course.
This is from Labour's manifesto,

Labour believes education should
be free, and we will restore this
principle. No one should be put off
educating themselves for lack of
money or through fear of debt.
There is a real fear that students
are being priced out of university
education. Last year saw the steepest
fall in university applications for
30 years.
Since the Conservatives came to
power, university tuition fees have
been trebled to over £9,000 a year,
and maintenance grants have been
abolished and replaced with loans.
The average student now graduates
from university, and starts their
working life, with debts of £44,000.
Labour will reintroduce maintenance
grants for university students, and we
will abolish university tuition fees.
University tuition is free in many
northern European countries, and
under a Labour government it will
be free here too."

I can't see any reference to writing off student debts.
We all know that the next Election winner will either be Tory or Labour. New "third" Parties are just a fantasy.

Its a two horse race, as it always has been.
Corbyn and his sound bite dreamers missed the boat with the biggest lie that they had in the locker. The youngsters who will not, or do not want to go to Uni as a rite of middle class passage, have realised that they will be saddled with the debt of an ideologically flawed dogma. Whilst they are working and paying their way as productive young adults, the very people who can most afford to take time out on a vanity break(with the backing of wealthy civil service salaried parents) and walk into better paid jobs because of who they know , are getting qualifications at their expense via the taxes they are paying. You just have to remind every youngster that you know of the divisive schemes up Layboors sleeves and they soon pop their eyes in realisation. I do.

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