Sqad.....I would normally agree with letting someone "bed in" and take time to settle into a new job.
But this particular job, is the Leadership of a major world power, and he should be well up to steam by now.
The events of the last 48 hours show Trump up for what he is....boorish, childish, and unfit for the job. Despite have a majority in the House of Representatives, he still hasn't managed to repeal Obama Care.
His address to the Boy Scouts was frankly cringe-worthy.
He has stood by and let his current communications director Scaramucci, make a complete ass of himself, by using language that no media organisation can repeat. Trump is going through a long list of trusted collaborators like a dose of salts..... Priebus is the latest, although I am sure that others will follow in the next few days.
He thinks that ruling the free world by Twitter is an OK way to do business, when we all now that Twitter is meant for trivial comments, about trivial subjects, by people who luxuriate in the far-from-serious side of life.
He has made the Republican Party a laughing stock, although its the Party itself that is to blame for having him as President in the first place.
I can't see him lasting out until November 2020.