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Yet Another Riot On Our Streets.

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anotheoldgit | 09:58 Mon 31st Jul 2017 | News
124 Answers

The difference with this one however that although there was no great damage to property, no fires started, and no police personal injured, there were 21 people arrested.



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Oh Hans.

You wrote:

//If my 'enemies' wish to say anything further, then speak now or forever hold your peace.//

You realise that this is the AnswerBank and not Game of Thrones, right?
I am Not playing games. I am seeking full honesty and sensibility in AB and know nothing about Game of Thrones.

Who hasn't been honest?
Jesus. It's over four years since vivandorron was made 'user inactive'. Let it go.
Ummmm... You tell me and all other Abers.

Thanks Zacs.


'Viviandorran' is shown as 'User Inactive' which is surely something the Poster does to themselves rather than the ED taking exception to them.
My comment was addressed to you Hans.
Zacs... There are a number of people in AB who will Not allow me or anyone else to forget that I was Vivandorron. Pity really because I am Not seeking to quarrel with anyone. Makes one think why people such as ChuckFickens left AB. Also why Methyl was Banned....Two of the best Techies who graced AB. There are others of course.

Baldric...The Ed made me 'User Inactive' because that allowed all of my contributions to remain within AB. Had he have Banned me, all of my postings would have disappeared from view. Consequently if anyone wishes to read my' life story', it's only a matter of typing Vivandorron in the search box.

Perhaps I wasn't really a bad guy as Vivandorron, although there are some ABers who appear to be set on making Hans an unwelcomed member of AB.

I apologise further Aog for this continued diversion within your thread.

Maybe you should just stop moaning, accusing people of being MODs, removing your posts or getting you suspended.
Simply answering the OP would be a start.
ummmm...Perhaps you are the one who should keep quiet. It is possible that there are some folk who will agree with me. Even the Editor; although I would Not wish her to say so.

Hans....there may be some.....but I don't know anyone who knew who you were in you past life here.......why on earth are you going on about it on this thread.....

As a response to AOG's OP it's making the site look a bit silly and disjointed.....

Imagine a new person looking in and wishing to contribute...well they just wouldn't, would they?
Mamyalynne.... You and your crew have certainly 'got it in for me'. Dare I say that all of the comments from you and your 'mob' have nothing to do with the OP. Go and enjoy plaudits from a thread on CB.......'Night Night Song From Mamya'.

^^ That's what I'm talking about, Hans, you just can't help yourself.
Hans, I have no crew and certainly no mob and your needling is both childish and unnecessary.

I have responded to the OP before the derailment.

I do nothing on site to gain plaudits, I don't require them.

G'evening Gness.... I am being attacked and will defend myself, even if it means doing so in a thread which is Not mine.

Mamyallyne has known for a few years that I was Vivandorron and has never let me forget it. It is the case that I once put a clickable link about something (sorry I can't remember exactly the subject) and it was the case that I was giving a link to an item in my computer. I asked for a Moderator to remove it and it duly was. I thanked Mamyallyne thinking at that time she was a Moderator.

Hans - you came in on the attack.
I see where you are, and if I can make it across the playground to you I'll offer this: nothing complicated here, just a testosterone outing which the Glasqow Police are well used to - a no-brainer as they say in America.
Both of these cities have always been prime recruiting areas for the army and they've been kicking the shxt out of each other off duty for centuries. One Geordie and one jock = best of drinking pals, but multiples of both = pitched battle. Ask anyone whose been in the army...

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/// It's also not a great idea for banned users to be running to the Ed!! ///

I know that in your world it must seem strange, but in a free world, everyone has the right to appeal.

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