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How Can This Woman Simply "move To London"?

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ToraToraTora | 09:26 Fri 11th Aug 2017 | News
28 Answers
Is there some sort of rule that says if you manage to alienate your entire country and the one next door you can move to the UK?


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She says that she is moving to London. That does not mean that she will be allowed to.
that takes a bit of reading. I'll need to go and re-read.

On the face of it, the answer to your Q is, I don't think there is.

On the other hand, she couldn't move to the US.
(Being a muslim and all that)
Why not Canada?

She could have gone to Saudi where all muslim women are adored.
She most likely chose London knowing that once she'd here, she can spout and old downtrodden minority BS dressed up as intellectual discourse and be untouchable, for a while at least.
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ozzy, I can't think of her full name, but we have a Mrs Alagai-Brown (?) who would probably welcome her with open arms.
Maybe they should both be in a different country that supports theirs views?
she'd fit in nicely on here

I was enjoying that sip of coffee!!!
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tell you what ozzy, we'll swap you for Gina Miller
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agreed Ozzy x

the 'agreed' was nothing to do with Fosters lol
I think she summed it up well in this comment (paraphrased) - She wasn't seen as Australian enough to criticise Australia.
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I wouldn't like it at all , but wouldn't take to the media with vitriol and threats either.

I'm not defending her actions simply that phrase jumped out at me.

From a child she has been articulate and seemingly hard working and of course vocal, maybe now she should spread her wings.
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Possibly so and learn from what's gone on.
She'd be welcome in Oldham to join the flock

Says it all Talbot as does this persons assumption she can just move to Lndon to spout her nonsense, and presumably in a provided flat with benefits while she does it.

The UK has become a joke worldwide thanks to the right-on Liberal Left.
Talbot, did they have a Christian prayer and a few words for atheists too?

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