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Jacob Rees-Mogg

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scooping | 13:58 Thu 07th Sep 2017 | News
126 Answers
At a complete loss about the so-called 'fury'. A staunch Catholic says he's against abortion and people are shocked? What next, Pope is a Catholic shock? Ridiculous, manufactured, insulting to Catholics. Tomorrow's front page: "Man found in bed with his wife"?


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Andy - you could always ignore the fact that someone said 'so'
Naomi - // Mamyalyyne at 16.38. You shouldn't retract 'badgered'. Interviewers often 'badger' those they're interviewing - politicians or not. .//

It's Maya's choice to express her view as she wishes, and to withdraw her comment if she feels it is not appropriate.

// I agree with ummmm at 17.22. I wish andy-hughes would shut up about his ridiculous 'so' rule too. //

I wish you'd stop telling other people how and what to post - we all have our cross to bear.
Mamya - // Delete things from my replies that don't suit according to your rule/s. //

Mods are not allowed to edit posts, only delete them, and that only in the case of the transgression of Site Rules.

Sigh...I meant delete them in your head.

Do stop your strop.
Mamya - // Should he have refused to answer the direct question and been castigated for that instead? //

How many times do you see a politician answer a direct question with a direct answer!

MR RM could have done, as he did with the same-sex marriage question, he could have ducked behind his faith - he chose not to do so, and the accent here is on his choice. He was not badgered, or compelled in any way to answer - he chose to do so.

// I don't really require an answer but am ever the one to try and soothe ruffled feathers. //

No ruffled feathers here, I assure you.
mamya - I don't do 'strops' - surely you know me well enough to know that by now?

Argue until the earth spins into the sun? Any and every day, but 'strops'? Nah.
Not many there isn't - I am so glad the children are back from their European tour.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend Andy.
ummmm - //Andy - you could always ignore the fact that someone said 'so' //

Of course I could, and often do.

What I will not ignore is anyone following the word 'So ...' with something that was not in the post to which they are replying, and then getting shirty with a poster for something they haven't said.
Mamya - // Not many there isn't - I am so glad the children are back from their European tour.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend Andy. //

Thank you, and you too - always a pleasure.
Andy, regarding your 'so rule', to use your own words on this thread 'I wish you'd stop telling other people how and what to post'.
andy-hughes, I haven't told anyone how to post - but I do wish you'd put a sock in it about your silly 'so' rule. Nothing like derailing yet another thread with it - and we all know how you frown upon that!
Garaman - //Andy, regarding your 'so rule', to use your own words on this thread 'I wish you'd stop telling other people how and what to post'. //

I never tell anyone how and what to post.

Pointing out that a statement is incorrect is just that - pointing it out.

It doesn't come with a set of instructions on how to do it better, or a ticking off for doing it wrong - it simply draws attention to a post that is stating something that is not true.
Naomi - // andy-hughes, I haven't told anyone how to post . ... //

Your words - //You shouldn't retract 'badgered'.//

Looks like telling someone how to post to me!

// ... but I do wish you'd put a sock in it about your silly 'so' rule. Nothing like derailing yet another thread with it - and we all know how you frown upon that! //

The fact that it clearly irritates you so much merely adds to the pleasure I get in pointing it out.
andy-hughes, //The fact that it clearly irritates you so much merely adds to the pleasure I get in pointing it out. //

That says much about you - but nothing I hadn't suspected.

I'll leave you to blather away to your heart's content. I'm going elsewhere on AB. Anywhere has to be more interesting than this.
A little story from many years ago before I go to dine, don't know why it came to mind.

Mum had so called nipped to the shops for a few things and said she wouldn't be long.

Finally, in she came...

Dad - You've been a long time Vee, what kept you?

Mum - Got chatting to Mrs Potterton from number 42, she can go on till the cows come home.

Dad (a man of few words but sharp and wise) - Aye, but by t'time her cows have come home they're only fit fer t'glue factory. Put t'kettle on love.

And that from a MOD!!!
Naomi - // I'll leave you to blather away to your heart's content. I'm going elsewhere on AB. Anywhere has to be more interesting than this. //

Blather????? How very wounding!

Not at all the sort of adjective I would like for my carefully thought out and deeply incisive wit and wisdom.

I am truly hurt!!!
ummmm - // And that from a MOD!!! //

The role doesn't come with any restrictions of good old fashioned teasing, or defence if attacked, or a sense of humour, or any of the other things that all AB'ers (which Mods are!) are entitled to employ on a daily basis.

Please don't be confused - it's Mod, not God!!!
Yet more of the English language hijacked and redefined.
There go 'wit' and 'wisdom'. :)
...and irony ;-)

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