This particular thread encapsulates all that is wrong with this site. There is bullying going on, it may be lighthearted and funny to the bully but it's bullying all the same. Whenever certain people submit a question and AOG is one of them, there is a section of this community waiting to pounce. It doesn't matter what the topic or question is, the usual people line up to have a go, not at answering or discussing the item but to heap ridicule and abuse on to the person who posted.
I thought the moderators were here to ensure the
Site Rules were obeyed but not only do they ignore it but in some cases seem to delight in taking part. Not knowing who the moderators are doesn't help, for all I know they're all indulging in it but I know one thing, they are doing very little to stop it.
The ABspare editor has just interceded, it's a pity the moderators didn't think it was necessary.