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So Whose Fault Is That Then?

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ToraToraTora | 20:23 Tue 31st Oct 2017 | News
46 Answers
"Thinking about it now, I had the best of both worlds. But 9/11 changed everything. "
So the activities of other Muslims have ruined the worlds of "moderate" Muslims. Why not leave the "faith" then? This is UK you are allowed.


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"are you completely dense?" - are you? why are you refusing to see the point being mad here?
"Why would I need to know someone's religion? " - who said you do? All I've been trying to say is that muslim women are picked on because they are easy to recognise. You have been disputing that so I was asking if perhaps I'd missed an obvious way of spotting muslim men. Calm down a bit and read what is actually being said.
The link is regarding the increase in attacks both verbal and physical on women wearing Muslim dress, you are implying it's because those doing that can't spot a Muslim man.

I have tried to make plain what I'm saying - we are obviously at cross purposes.

I do apologise for my rude remark.
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mamy; "The link is regarding the increase in attacks both verbal and physical on women wearing Muslim dress, you are implying it's because those doing that can't spot a Muslim man." - I am saying that they would if muslim men were obvious, you and sp implied that women were selected because they are soft targets, I was postulating the theory that muslim men are not obvious from their appearance whilst women usually are. Why are you refusing to acknowledge and comprehend that simple thing?

"I have tried to make plain what I'm saying - we are obviously at cross purposes." - no you have simply ignored the obvious counter argument to your assertion that women are targetted because they are soft targets and then got angry because I deigned to counter

"I do apologise for my rude remark". - no offence taken.

///hence the authorities made me carry an ID card ///

I thought you were in the UK Talbot, the only ones who carry an ID here are the Dogs, Microchip and Disc.
I have no idea why so few leave, it may be a question best posed to a Muslim.

I'm sure many people would feel more confident of leaving if that wasn't threatened as a punishment.
I don't need to ask Muslims, mamya ... they freely give their thoughts on twitter. You do have to feel for Muslim women
I can assure you Baldric that once upon a time Leeds united fans who attended away games had to carry an ID card.

Talbot, I've just gone back a bit further and answered my own question ;o)
.// ... refusing to see the point being mad here? //
.being mad on AB is .... the new normal
we are still earnestly discussing for the 100th time - one muslim is bad and therefore all muslims are bad - arent we ?

it is a well known logical fallacy - but hell you know Tue night on AB
//But why do so few chose to leave?//
attending football matches or Islam

as an RC when the Oirish were blowing up London
I didnt say ' oo I must be a protestant' ( erm or unionist or loyalist or a member of the red hand society )
I tended to think of the IRA as not a catholic organisation
( I twitch - writing that is like writing Big Brother is doubleplus bad - a profound case of doublethink )
OMG that's terrible Talbot. What an easy target. Can't write what I'd like to put.

You ask:

//cobras mamy, how do you spot a muslim man, come on tell me? The women are obvious, not so the men, or they'd get the same.//

It's very easy indeed. You would wait outside a mosque and follow the men until it was safe to attack them. That's what bigoted have done for generations.

The other way to tell Muslim men (not all, but some) is by the taqiyah and beard.

But I'm guessing that even if bigoted cowards could identify Muslim men, they'd probably wait for a softer a woman.

Makes sense really. A bloke might fight back.
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well no doubt that happens too SP but most of the issues are in day to day encounters, not planned.
A handy "graphic" supplied by Tell MAMA........A charity which supports victims of...(you're ahead of me here aren't you) anti-Muslim hate and is a public service which also measures and monitors anti-Muslim incidents. So it's in its own interest to, daaa daaa, generate and amplify incidents of err Muslim hate. In fact the more of it they can generate the more lovely dosh they can get their hooks on. A bit like firemen setting fires, or Vicars setting up Satanic cults. Gromit open with just stop the bullys from attacking women for no reason. Where? Saudi Arabia? Africa? Iraq? Afghanistan? Isis brothels? Where did he mean?
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taqiyah? means denying ones religion doesn't it? ....and muslims hardly have the manopoly on beards and many don't have it anyway.
He looks like a "brave lad" Talbot crashing into all those big trucks and buses. Bet he aimed to miss the women as well.

Look further down the page on your Google search.

From Wikipedia:

"The taqiyah is a short, rounded skullcap. They are often worn for religious purposes; for example, Muslims believe that Muhammad used to keep his head covered, therefore making it mustahabb (i.e. it is commendable to cover the head in order to emulate him). Muslims often wear them during the five daily prayers."

I assume the word means both.

This is why I wrote The other way to tell Muslim men (not all, but some) is by the taqiyah and beard.. Whilst many men have beards, very few non-Muslim men have beards and wear a taqiyah.

And regarding your point:

//well no doubt that happens too SP but most of the issues are in day to day encounters, not planned.//

The thing is - we're talking about day to day encounters, and it's always women. You can see Muslim men with their taqiyah and beards, but they are rarely attacked - at least 'rarely' in terms of the number of Muslim women who are verbally and physically assaulted.
What are the "numbers" sp? Plus of course the MAMA graph doesn't tell us WHO was doing the attacking. Hells teeth it could be honour attacks by Pakistani(for instance) family members over honour issues. Or don't they count?
PeterPedant at 20:48, There is no logic whatsoever in any of the fallacies you thoughtlessly post on this subject. If you really think the Irish troubles compare to this – and since you consistently repeat that tripe you clearly do – you’re not nearly as smart as you think you are.

TTT, those schooled from birth in this medieval philosophy are well aware that apostasy brings penalties on earth, not to mention their fears for their fate in the afterlife, and therefore the decision to reject Islam is not a simple one. In fact, for most, it’s unthinkable.
‘you’re not nearly as smart as you think you are’

Judging by some of PPs recent posts, he’s not even as smart as I think he is.
Very good. :o)

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