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maggiebee | 13:10 Tue 21st Nov 2017 | News
56 Answers
Just heard on the news that it might cost the UK £40 billion to leave Europe. Where is this money going to come from?


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is that the amount that was bandied about on the side of a bus AOG?
hopefully the WSS budget
kromo "We're one country, Danny. We import far far more from the EU than they do from us. " - which is why they wont want tarrifs from us, derr.
BA to dave50 at 12:20. tell them to go forth and multiply.
"all these individual trade deals Britain hopes to strike - just how many countries would sign a deal with a country that's just walked away from its debts? Oh, Rwanda and Paraguay might be up for it. " - usual chaval Tish from the anti british in chief. We already have trade deals with 200+ countries sunshine. this may come as a shock to the geographically challenged but the EUSSR is not the whole world! anyway what debts have we walked away from? none! this is just the EU plucking numbers out of the air. None of its stands up, they haven't had clean accounts for 20 years!
I heard on the news this morning that we imported 985,000 German vehicles last year.

If this is true I doubt Mr BMW et al will be too pleased if life is made difficult for us.
all these individual trade deals Britain hopes to strike - just how many countries would sign a deal with a country that's just walked away from its debts?

You say that like you actually know what you're talking about ... please give a breakdown of our debts to the EU.
jno works for the enemy T take with a pinch of salt.
preice of german jam jars up, Froggy cheese, wine etc, remember as kromo said we import a lot of stuff that's abot to get a lot dearer unless barmpot an co tish of get off the pot.
Spellcheckers and online translators will hopefully reduce in cost.
Some posts on this thread is an example why i suspect a lot of posters keep away from the news section
Since we are told that the cabinet as a whole decided to blink for the second time, presumably they are going to put their hand into their pocket to pay the ransom.

I can understand adding 10% to the "goodwill" gesture they have already made, in the hope it would trigger responsible behaviour from the other side; but not doubling it.

As far as we know there has been no proof of us actually owing anything, just demands/claims and an insistence they must get their present before Xmas.

We should now sit tight and see if they are going to refuse to negotiate on the relevant stuff in December, and if not, accept that they have no intention of doing so, and then really walk away from the table. Any short to medium term commercial hit will heal in time, we're already in austerity anyway, and we will have shown that the UK is no pushover for any bullying nation or group of nations.
//Since we are told that the cabinet as a whole decided to blink for the second time, presumably they are going to put their hand into their pocket to pay the ransom//

With a guarantee of what, OG? Won't they temporise, rationalise and lie, and then come back for more?

“If once you have paid him the Danegeld
You never get rid of the Dane.”
I don't think guarantees come into it.
The Euromaniacs might be told that they can take the fifty squillion euros (or whatever figure they pluck from thin air this week) from the money they owe us from our reduced "rebate" negotiated by that nice Mr Blair. That increase in subscriptions was agreed in return for a reform of the Common Agricultural Policy. That diabolical scheme remains entirely unchanged, unlike our rebate.

There is no reason to believe that they would behave any more honourably with our "trade deal", however much they screw out of us. You do not trust blackmailers to keep their word, especially when they've got form.
The compromise figure could have been agreed months ago and we could now be talking trade with the remaining 27 EU countries.
Davis should be taken out and shot for the damaged he is doing to our economy and future.
so as usual gromit it's the UKs fault not the intransigence of the EU. Do you realise how anti british you are?
It isn't a negotiation. It's a list of legal AGREEMENTS, and COMMITMENTS. May is correct to stress that the UK pays what it owes. But the bigger question is; would all who voted LEAVE still vote leave when they see the cost? Even allowing the lie of 350 million a week,that alone is over 2 years' worth....
Once again people spend time speculating on speculation - wondering about what the latest rumour is going to mean.

The only relavent facts are very simple -

The first and most important fact is that no-one knows what is going to happen because we are writing the script as we go.

The second is - Europe cannot afford to let us go without a massive fight and as much difficulty as they can create, in order to discourage any other nation from following us out of the EU.

The third is - this is negotiation, they start with the highest figure, we offer the lowest, and we work out something in the middle.

Other than that, everything else is hot air and guesswork, and not worth the time and trouble of worrying over.
perhaps but they have not produced a list of what we owe they just pluck random numbers because they don't have scooby anyway. The accounts have not been approved for 20 years so gawd knows what's been going on.

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