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Gangsters are still glamorised. I love Peaky Blinders but the heroes are twisted people who think nothing of murdering for the love of money and the need for 'respect'. The Krays are still talked about and many films and documentaries have been made about them and their cohorts. I can't help but wonder if these double standards are influential in some of our...
13:25 Mon 01st Jan 2018
The crime analyst in me would suggest that one was killed in the morning and it took his friends all day to find the perps.

But then crime analysts are frequently wrong......
Gangsters are still glamorised. I love Peaky Blinders but the heroes are twisted people who think nothing of murdering for the love of money and the need for 'respect'.
The Krays are still talked about and many films and documentaries have been made about them and their cohorts.
I can't help but wonder if these double standards are influential in some of our young people
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most of these current victims are teens,
2017 was an appalling year for knife crime and deaths, looking at the link.
hc - I agree completely. Hard dangerous men are looked up to.
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they shouldn't be, but for some reason some are.
ummm: "TTT - why are you assuming it's alcohol related? " - are you really that dense?
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there is no further info as to the reason, and going on the fact that two are young, maybe not to do with alcohol.
If you know the back story to all of yesterday's events TTT could you link us to them please.
so it's purely coincidental that this takes place on the biggest ssip pu of the year is it? right oh! PMSL!
Well if you're taking that tone, no point really is there.
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the unrelated attacks happened in West Ham, Tulse Hill, Enfield and Old Street between 11am on December 31 and 2.30am on January 1. The victims were all aged between 17 and 20.

Does anyone remember the old saying 'spare the rod & spoil the child' ? there is far too much leniency these days due to the political correctness brigade. Far too much attention to people's freedom of speech. It is time to bring back corporal punishment in schools for example, & harsher prison sentences. Some people mistake kindness for weakness. Time we started getting TOUGH.

Beating children didn't work, ron - if it did there would have been no borstals.
I despair of the human race in general. If there is a deity they can't regard the human race very highly or they'd not allow decent human brings and scum on the same planet, or even plane of existence. No one should have to put up with the worst of those who claim to be part of humanity.

And no, I give no credance to the idea that fiction books, films, plays, or computer games being to blame for those whose minds fail to work at an acceptable level. The garbage and the cream simple emerge together and nothing separates them on the grounds of fairness or decency.
London is a megacity with a population of almost 9 million people. 26 of those getting stabbed to death is, of course, an invidivual tragedy for each of the families involved - and every perpetrator needs to be brought to justice. But let's be clear - 26 in c.9 million is a tiny, tiny number and one would expect the number to be far higher in a city of that size.
And I agree with O_G - there is not a scrap of evidence that these crimes happen because the perpetrators play too many computer games or watch the wrong movies.
Kromo....well said. We need to get this into proportion.

Look at this event, that happened in one small town in New Jersey, with a population of just 30,000 :::::::
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that is what we expect in US not here in Britain.
26 deaths in one year is 26 too many imo.
Mikey’s link isn’t relevant. That’s something else entirely.

I tend to agree with those who say society has become too lenient – too ‘understanding’ perhaps. When ‘No’ isn’t said often enough kids end up believing the world revolves around them and they can do as they please.
Emmie....I was merely pointing out that 5-6 deaths, in a city where 9 million people live, on one of the busiest nights of the year is hardly high....of course 1 death is 1 too many.

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