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End Of Grid Girls......

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Bazile | 13:16 Thu 01st Feb 2018 | News
381 Answers
....In Formula 1

"While the practice of employing grid girls has been a staple of Formula 1 grands prix for decades, we feel this custom does not resonate with our brand values and clearly is at odds with modern day societal norms," Bratches added.

Do you agree or not , with the move ?

Should the ban be extended to other Motor Sports formulas ?


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I think Social Services have enough to do without holding umbrellas over racing drivers.
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Once upon a time men insisted women to know their place ... now it seems to me that feminists are now telling women 'know your place'

//Once upon a time men insisted women to know their place ... now it seems to me that feminists are now telling women 'know your place'//

All this problem of leching and inappropriate behaviour could be solved by segregating the sexes at school, in the swimming pool and at public events, couldn't it? I'm surprised one of the new feminists hasn't thought of that idea.
Talbot - // Once upon a time men insisted women to know their place ... now it seems to me that feminists are now telling women 'know your place' //

I don't think it's quite as simplistic as that.

The term 'feminist' conjures its own unique image of a strident woman who looks for inequality everywhere, and is not above seeing it when it is not there.

I think the issue of Grid Girls speaks to a wider change is cultural attitudes, which is the point I made originally when the thread began.

Although it has been royally side-tracked through the media, and indeed on here - the end result in my view remains the same - I think there is a cultural shift in attitudes towards women being used as decoration, and personally I think that is a good thing.
vetuste - // All this problem of leching and inappropriate behaviour could be solved by segregating the sexes at school, in the swimming pool and at public events, couldn't it? I'm surprised one of the new feminists hasn't thought of that idea. //

It could - and then we would have the culture of some eastern countries who repress women - and I don't think that's quite what we are looking for.
Pixie, //They [the grid girls etc) are demeaning all of us//

They’re not demeaning me. I think they brighten up the world. The joyless dour and sour who have decided I should be offended by them are demeaning me.
^^^Excellent Naomi.

I just don't get why so many people feel the grid girls are being demeaned, when the grid girls themselves do not feel they are being demeaned and bloody well enjoyed what they were doing.
The puritans and prudes get their kicks from telling the rest of us what to we're allowed to think, what we]re allowed to do and stamping on innocent pleasures of which they disapprove, DeskDiary
Deskdiary, thanks. The precious won’t be happy until we’re all as miserable as they are – and even then I’d guess they’ll struggle.
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Naomi - // They’re not demeaning me. I think they brighten up the world. The joyless dour and sour who have decided I should be offended by them are demeaning me. //


When someone has a different view from you about the behaviour of women, they are 'demeaning you' and being 'dour and sour' and 'virtue-signalling'.

How coincidental, that I feel exactly the same about you when you are holding forth about your perceived threats of Islam takeovers.

It all depends on what you feel strongly about - doesn't it?
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