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Five car thieves killed whilst driving a stolen car.

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Ding-Dong | 10:05 Tue 01st Nov 2005 | News
95 Answers

Don't know whether this news has gone countrywide, but dahn sarf over the weekend five people (15 to 16 year olds) were killed whilst racing along in a stolen car (they all knew it was stolen and were there voluntarilly). Now call me harsh, but I really couldn't possibly care any less if I tried - I feel sorry for the families, but couldn't give tinker's cuss about the people who died, as they died in the furtherance of a crime.

So, the question is, am I a heartless uncaring bar steward? I suspect I probably am, but I genuinely can't conjure up any sympathy at all.



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There you go j-b, no doubt you can tear that to shreds with irrelevancies - but if you are going to do that, would you mind checking my spelling and punctuation as well please as I have no doubt some of it is wrong.

Thank you.

oh how well you put your point ding-dong and your smiley happy personality shines through with every post - subject aside i see you are a hate filled ********* but if you died in a car crash (even if you stole it and ran over a granny) I STILL WOULDN'T WANT YOU DEAD! bet you don't believe that do you - oh how scary the world must be looking through your warped and twisted eyes (thats for all over you gloating over the death of children)...
and what on earth was the point that they could have grown up to mug old folks!!!! Could also have grown up to find a cure for AIDS or don't people from council estate do that you condescending scum. You think society is going to rack and ruin do you? EDITED BY AB ED - NO PERSONAL ABUSE PLEASE.

I wasn't tearing it to shreds Ding-Dong - you evidently feel very inferior to me, and that is only a reflection on your own feeling of self-worth.

It was a genuine question on my part as I couldn't understand (at the time) exactly who you were trying to sl.a.g off, but it has become clear through the thread that the whole purpose of the thread was just to make another dig at the people who you feel are scum. Strange how you complain that you feel I act inferior to you, yet it's ok for you to wish dead the children of other families, just because you don't like their lifestyles. Smacks a little of hypocracy to me.

PS - If you're worried about your SPAG, I suggest you install a Google toolbar as that can spell check "internet forms" such as AB "post and answer" boxes.

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Nice reasoned argument from undercovers there - well done, I applaud you.

j-b - I have been following your posts on this site with some interest, and have generally found them, as a whole, to be somewhat arrogant: you wouldn't be considering a career in the legal field perchance? Just about the best bastion of the arrogant we have in this country.

Im not getting at anyone but jb did I read somewhere you were studying LAW as I do sometimes feel that when I read your replies (Please no offence) it is like being in a courtroom. It would be nice if perhaps you could condense it down to plain english. I know for one I have misread at least a couple of your replies. Only a suggestion.

JB off on a tangent, I feel truly inferior to you as well. It is something to do with your eloquence and forthrightness. I bow with lowered eyes.

Well, I don't know where the "gloating" in their deaths is as stated previously. I personally see it as the death penalty made easy.

I have dealt with pure evil all my working life in one way or another. I realise there may be others on here who work in certain fields, but after 16 years of dealing with the absolute dross of worlds' societies I see no reason to sympathise with the scum filled families of these yobs.

Apologies for repitition, but they did not warrant a life.

I remember when my little girl took a taxi from her school to my home (about 70 miles away) and when I went to greet her and settle up with the cab driver I smelled beer on him.

I am a controlled man, trust me, but I wanted to kill him. Luck was on his side and I didn't lay a finger on him. Alas I trashed his car with my bare hands to vent my anger. It all got a bit out of hand when about 15 of his immigrant cousins came for their pound of flesh the next day but hey ho. I won't tell you what happenned when some other weirdo was taking photos of both my kids on the beach one day.

The point I am making, possibly to parents only, is I as an upper-middle class sane liberal will refuse to see my kids in danger. Joyriders kill innocent kids. 5 potential killers wiped out in one go. I have no problem with that at all. And so what if they were "teenagers"? The age of criminal responsibility is 10 in the UK.

1 billion percent of any sympathy I have is with victims and victims only. Those hard working, family orientated people who abide the law and love their mum. Decent folk. Those who cause misery to "my ideal", well they can rot in Hell as far as I am concerned. These kids included.

Irrelevant rant over.

I've finished studying law and have an LLB and an LLM, for that I suppose I have to apologise to both of you. Do I detect (from both of you, and I mean this in the nicest way) a hint of the British thing that we should not be proud of our achievements or intellect, but rather dumb in down in case we offend the people who have done different things with their lives!?!

Perhaps my answers have a "courtroom" feel because I do my best to express myself clearly and eloquently. I'm not going to insult your intelligence Maggie01 by putting everything down to one syllable words, when I know you are plenty smart enough to understand everything I'm saying. I take your point, and I will try not to use too much legal terminology, but if I'm taking about legal things, I don't see why I shouldn't. After all, in body and soul, if people were to use correct medical terms, I'd have thought that would be ok.

Ding-Dong - if you've read my posts as you say you have, you'll know full well my career intentions. If you find me arrogant, then I suspect that nothing I say will change that as you very much seem to be a person who forms an opinion and then sticks to it. However, considering you feel that your dislike of scally families and children who get mixed up in joyriding should give you the right to decide that they should die (as strongly implied in this thread) YOU calling ME arrogant, smacks a little of pot, kettle, black.

I love it when you talk dirty JB. X
WM - What have i said NOW!?!

JB I am with you. The world and indeed AB will be a duller place if you weren't around.

PS Ding-Dong I gather you are near enough Sussex based, but is "tinker's cuss" a regional thing? Great term of which i am unfamiliar with.

WM - I'm reading what you're saying, but not in the mood to reply, so please don't think me rude. Thanks. :-)

far from it . I congratulate anyone on their achievements. Well done for what you personally have achieved. Unfortunately not all of us have studied in the same field so sometimes seem to read it wrongly. Of course you are right to say things how you like on legal issues. This is something you have studied and obviously know what you are talking about. You should be proud of your achievement as you obviously are.

maggie - thanks for that, and I promise that when I am using legal terms (and I'm not the only one to do so, am I WM!?! :-p) I will add a definition where I don't think it's a phrase that's in common parlance.

However, I sadly think that your views on being proud of ones achievements are not something that is shared by everyone here. It does seem at times that being intelligent and well-educated is something one should be ashamed of, in case one is seem to be being arrogant or trying to appear superior to others. I thought (think) of "news" as a section where people discussed their opinions. I also believe that anyone, whatever their IQ or education history, can have an opinion and try to express it. Now it seems that some users feel that people with a high IQ and/or a good education, should keep their mouths shut as they are not entitled to their views.

Anyway maggie - I'm sure you've got plenty you will be teaching me through AB, so hopefully we can learn some stuff from each other! :-)

To get back on the thread, and keep folk interested here are a few facts about our wonderful legal system regarding "joyriding"

You can not be covicted of burglary.....

Def something like "enter as a tresspasser with intent to steal (GBH or damage)

If the oik steals keys to a motor. Weird eh?

Up until recently "stealing" a car wasn't even arrestable. That is why it was called TWOC (Taking without owners consent) or TDA (Taking and driving away)

For theft there has to be "an intention to permanantly deprive". This can never be proved in "auto-theft" (US I know!) as the vast majority of cars are recovered. The Police arrested them (in a technicality) for theft of petrol!!!!

Further, even in the advent of the Police Reform Act 2002, driving otherwise in accordance with a license (i.e a 16 year old can not possess a valid car license) it is still NOT arrestable.

The car in the UK can never be used as a weapon. So if "murder" or GBH is caused by a car the driver can only receive " a death by dangerous" or "death by careless" conviction. Considerably less than murder or GBH. Therefore, if you want to kill somebody run them over.

WM - Now you're just shoiwing off and being arrogant! :-p :-)

However when i drive up and see JB and she gets fruity in my car, we can now be arrested whether or not we have spectators (dogging)!!!

Our Law Lords really need to wake up and smell the coffee.

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j-b, touched a nerve I see!

W-M: Kent/East Sussex border, where unfortunately we have more than our fair share of the hoodie clad cretins to deal with - Saturday night when they spill out of Wetherpsoons pi55ed up on cheap lager really is a sight to behold - truly horrible underclass.

My father always said Tinker's Cuss - have no idea where it is from, it is just something I picked up from him - similarly *******, what the hell does that mean.

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Buckpig, but replace the B with an F

My heart felt sympathies ding dong. I am so glad my tax revenue pays for their night out!!!

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Oh don't get me started on that - probably should be in another thread - my Mrs works for a friend on Saturday mornings in a lettings agency.

Last Saturday she showed a family around a brand spanking new 5 bedroom house with three en-suites etc etc etc, basically a house that many people aspire to - anyway, to cut a long story short, the DSS, i.e, you and me, are picking up the tab for this house at �1,750 per month. Neither work, so they are getting their council tax paid as well, plus of course their benefits.

Both appeared perfectly able to work - other than being lazy sods of course.

I defy anybody on this site to tell me that they are happy for their taxes to pay for this.

Makes me sick to the stomach.

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