The Welfare State is what happened. Wanting it all for nothing and believing it’s your right to have it your way - and getting it. Easy for people like Eddie who, despite claiming to have impressive qualifications, says that because he lives in an expensive area of the country, never earned enough to buy a house. I won’t ask 'how come?' – I’ve heard enough tall stories. I’ll just say ... so move.
People like spath who complains at his lot In life but does nothing to improve it because hundreds of people in his town are in the same position. So ... be different.
How the hell do these people think others, like sqad and me, born and bred in the poverty of the East End of London have managed to raise ourselves out of that? Something called gumption – with a good dose of self-respect thrown in. ‘Respect’… that word that has been hijacked by those who deserve none.