News1 min ago
Child Marriage "shocking And Acceptable"
100 Answers
Full quote from the article below is "The U.N. children agency called the latest child marriage 'shocking and acceptable.'".
A think there's a typo somewhere in that phrase.
This is Malaysia, showcase for multiculturalism and diversity.
https:/ / n-gb/ne ws/worl d/malay sia-inv estigat ing-mar riage-o f-man-t o-11-ye ar-old- girl/ar -AAzsi2 v?ocid= spartan dhp
A think there's a typo somewhere in that phrase.
This is Malaysia, showcase for multiculturalism and diversity.
I think a cracking start VE would be for us to actually implement the laws that we have, so where you are seeing girls with FGM, it's imperative that we prosecute, absolutely imperative, until there are consequences people won't change. At the same time educate the generation coming up through school. Integration is vital, I would like to see everyone, men...
14:37 Mon 02nd Jul 2018 usual your post (16:50) is exactly right... You are so knowledgeable and also enlighten us with what you observe and have studied. I don't think I've ever found a post of yours I could not agree with.... Common sense prevails in your life obviously and it seems in mine too. How come others can't see the wood for the trees.... Answers on a postcard to.......
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Why would a 41 yr old man want to marry an 11 yr old girl?
We used to have these conversations when Keyplus was around. I couldn't wrap my head around it then either. He would argue that according to Islam, a girl became a woman after her first period, and therefore eligible for marriage (and sex) But what type of middle aged man would WANT a bride that was only 11, 12 or 13?
Creepy if you ask me.
We used to have these conversations when Keyplus was around. I couldn't wrap my head around it then either. He would argue that according to Islam, a girl became a woman after her first period, and therefore eligible for marriage (and sex) But what type of middle aged man would WANT a bride that was only 11, 12 or 13?
Creepy if you ask me.
sanmac - // Slightly off topic yet interesting: If there is a saying, adage, idiom or phrase with which you do not agree it’s a tiresome and humourless cliché; however, if it’s to your liking it’s a motto to live by. (Referring to post at 1450.) //
It's entirely off topic, not especially interesting, and what exactly is your point?
It's entirely off topic, not especially interesting, and what exactly is your point?
spath, //Derailment? It’s completly on topic of the thread. //
Read the subject of the thread again. Nothing to do with children in this country leaving home. Start a new thread if you want to discuss that.
One thing I would like to pick up on. kvalidir said:
//Certainly there is no suggestion that they [Sharia Courts] are proper courts in the legal sense of the word and as long as that is the case I see no harm in them//
If you understand what happens in a Sharia Court why do you see no harm in them? Consider for a moment that the many, many, marriages conducted in Islamic ceremonies in this country are not valid in British law. Now … consider this. If a woman married in such a ceremony wants a divorce, since her marriage isn’t recognised under British law, she can obtain a divorce only through the Sharia courts – and Sharia makes it far more difficult for a woman to obtain a divorce than a man. It’s highly likely that a Sharia Court will tell her to go away, obey her husband, and be a good wife. That is happening in this country. Why is that okay?
Ladybirder, thank you for saying that.
Read the subject of the thread again. Nothing to do with children in this country leaving home. Start a new thread if you want to discuss that.
One thing I would like to pick up on. kvalidir said:
//Certainly there is no suggestion that they [Sharia Courts] are proper courts in the legal sense of the word and as long as that is the case I see no harm in them//
If you understand what happens in a Sharia Court why do you see no harm in them? Consider for a moment that the many, many, marriages conducted in Islamic ceremonies in this country are not valid in British law. Now … consider this. If a woman married in such a ceremony wants a divorce, since her marriage isn’t recognised under British law, she can obtain a divorce only through the Sharia courts – and Sharia makes it far more difficult for a woman to obtain a divorce than a man. It’s highly likely that a Sharia Court will tell her to go away, obey her husband, and be a good wife. That is happening in this country. Why is that okay?
Ladybirder, thank you for saying that.
Well if she is not legally married according to English law but only as a Muslim wedding with no civil aspect to back it up, it doesn't really matter what I, you, or anyone else thinks, she has a choice to either submit herself to an Islamic court ( since there is no legal wedding to dissolve a UK court will not and cannot hear it) and abide by their decision or not- she is equally unmarried legally whatever she does and what the Islamic court chooses to do or not do makes no difference to her legal standing only to her cultural and religious situation.
Support is rather strong, I don't support anything religious tbh, I'd close all the Churches, Synagogues, Mosques etc in a heartbeat, however if you live in a free society which we do, how do you propose ethically to prevent religious courts from existsing, just as you cannot prevent religion? It's no good simply saying I 'support' them, whether I do or not is irrelevant they have no effect upon me, but if a Muslim woman chooses to submit to a sharia court neither you nor I could stop her. What we do need to do is ensure that women have adequate safety nets to make sure that they are not oppressed or compelled, which is why I mentioned in an earlier thread that I think it's important that all immigrants learn English and attend integration scenarios. We need to open up the community so people can't be abused behind closed doors, but Sharia Courts in themselves since they have no legal standing are an irrelevance.
If the Guardian (see earlier link) admits there's an issue with Sharia councils then there's a problem.
Baroness Cox, who's one of the few peers (or politician of any stripe) who recognises that some imported cultural practices are incompatible with British law, and prejudicial to the interests of all women including those who "share" the imported culture.
Baroness Cox produced a report instancing many injustices suffered by women who "submitted" to the decisions of the all male Sharia councils (meeting in closed session) and a recommendation on the regulation of these councils.
Her report excited little interest and no enthusiasm at all for legislation.
Baroness Cox, who's one of the few peers (or politician of any stripe) who recognises that some imported cultural practices are incompatible with British law, and prejudicial to the interests of all women including those who "share" the imported culture.
Baroness Cox produced a report instancing many injustices suffered by women who "submitted" to the decisions of the all male Sharia councils (meeting in closed session) and a recommendation on the regulation of these councils.
Her report excited little interest and no enthusiasm at all for legislation. indifference from our legislators which may help to explain why existing laws against FGM, for instance, have never been enforced. And other and worse crimes prosecuted with less zeal than common decency would require.
PS: did you ever watch that program about the "FGM Unit" in Bristol which I mentioned, Naomi? Quite disgusting. The police and social services representatives had decided that there was a choice between (Set A) tea and biscuits with the local imam, outreach and "social cohesion", or (Set B) prosecuting the parents sending their pubescent daughters back to Somalia to celebratet rite of passage. Did you see that program, Kvalidir?
PS: did you ever watch that program about the "FGM Unit" in Bristol which I mentioned, Naomi? Quite disgusting. The police and social services representatives had decided that there was a choice between (Set A) tea and biscuits with the local imam, outreach and "social cohesion", or (Set B) prosecuting the parents sending their pubescent daughters back to Somalia to celebratet rite of passage. Did you see that program, Kvalidir?
v_e, no, I didn’t watch it simply because I can’t bear to watch any more. I’ve seen enough.
It strikes me that we are creating a very sick society because in our efforts to embrace the culture of Islam we are rapidly losing sight of our own moral compass. This is a society where it’s become fashionable to champion the rights of all and so we present vehement opposition to the president of the USA because of something he said long before he took office - and yet not only do we ignore the plight of women within Islam, we actively defend the most oppressive of costumes, and have no objection to the existence of Sharia courts where appalling discrimination against women is the order of the day. We have the mayor of London claiming that criticism of FGM is a ‘hate crime’ (acknowledgement to Talbot for that one), and no one says a dickie bird. Nothing. All these champions think he’s a good bloke! And then we have the media wheeling out on a regular basis designer Muslim women with their designer headgear - telling us this is what Islam is all about – and ‘we’ (I use that word loosely) agree that Islam has to be a happy place because Nadia whatever-her-name-is, is a nice smiley lady who teaches us to cook – and any Muslim who isn’t like Nadia-whatever-her-name-is, isn’t really a Muslim because they’re the ones who are misinterpreting their book. How these people know that is anyone’s guess because in my experience every single one of the westerners I’ve come across who offer these arguments have gleaned their impression of Islam, not from serious study, but from the positive propaganda offered by the media or from the odd Muslim they think they ‘know’. When all of the people who are feeding the population of this country this garbage, and when all of the people who are hoodwinked by it, including the rabidly marching, banner-waving, Sandi Toksvigs of this world and all the other celebrities parading the red carpet in their posh frocks and claiming “Me too”, say “Them too” - then I’ll listen.
It strikes me that we are creating a very sick society because in our efforts to embrace the culture of Islam we are rapidly losing sight of our own moral compass. This is a society where it’s become fashionable to champion the rights of all and so we present vehement opposition to the president of the USA because of something he said long before he took office - and yet not only do we ignore the plight of women within Islam, we actively defend the most oppressive of costumes, and have no objection to the existence of Sharia courts where appalling discrimination against women is the order of the day. We have the mayor of London claiming that criticism of FGM is a ‘hate crime’ (acknowledgement to Talbot for that one), and no one says a dickie bird. Nothing. All these champions think he’s a good bloke! And then we have the media wheeling out on a regular basis designer Muslim women with their designer headgear - telling us this is what Islam is all about – and ‘we’ (I use that word loosely) agree that Islam has to be a happy place because Nadia whatever-her-name-is, is a nice smiley lady who teaches us to cook – and any Muslim who isn’t like Nadia-whatever-her-name-is, isn’t really a Muslim because they’re the ones who are misinterpreting their book. How these people know that is anyone’s guess because in my experience every single one of the westerners I’ve come across who offer these arguments have gleaned their impression of Islam, not from serious study, but from the positive propaganda offered by the media or from the odd Muslim they think they ‘know’. When all of the people who are feeding the population of this country this garbage, and when all of the people who are hoodwinked by it, including the rabidly marching, banner-waving, Sandi Toksvigs of this world and all the other celebrities parading the red carpet in their posh frocks and claiming “Me too”, say “Them too” - then I’ll listen.
No answer as yet to my question so I'll ask again. To those who advocate education, how do you begin to educate those who do not want the education you offer? Why would they? Their way is the right way and they know it’s right because their God, and their prophet (the perfect man, a beacon for all to emulate) tell them so. How are you going to convince them that you are right when they know for a fact that Allah and Mohammed are infallible?
dunnitall - // usual your post (16:50) is exactly right... You are so knowledgeable and also enlighten us with what you observe and have studied. I don't think I've ever found a post of yours I could not agree with.... Common sense prevails in your life obviously and it seems in mine too. How come others can't see the wood for the trees.... Answers on a postcard to....... //
Cough ...
Cough ...
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