Quizzes & Puzzles23 mins ago
Diversity Training For Boris?
I’m not sure if laughing is aloud – but I did – heartily.
On a more serious note, Lord Tebbit, a former Tory chairman, accused party chiefs of inflaming the row and allowing Jeremy Corbyn to escape scrutiny over allegations of anti-Semitism.
http:// www.dai lymail. co.uk/n ews/art icle-60 48869/C onserva tives-c laim-Bo ris-Joh nson-di versity -traini ng-burk a-comme nts-row .html
Furthermore, Rowan Atkinson has written the following to The Times:
‘As a lifelong beneficiary of the freedom to make jokes about religion, I do think that Boris Johnson’s joke about wearers of the burka resembling letterboxes is a pretty good one. All jokes about religion cause offence, so it’s pointless apologising for them. ‘You should really only apologise for a bad joke. On that basis, no apology is required.’
https:/ /metro. co.uk/2 018/08/ 10/rowa n-atkin son-bac ks-bori s-johns on-ever -apolog ise-bad -joke-7 821391/
He’s right … isn’t he?
On a more serious note, Lord Tebbit, a former Tory chairman, accused party chiefs of inflaming the row and allowing Jeremy Corbyn to escape scrutiny over allegations of anti-Semitism.
Furthermore, Rowan Atkinson has written the following to The Times:
‘As a lifelong beneficiary of the freedom to make jokes about religion, I do think that Boris Johnson’s joke about wearers of the burka resembling letterboxes is a pretty good one. All jokes about religion cause offence, so it’s pointless apologising for them. ‘You should really only apologise for a bad joke. On that basis, no apology is required.’
He’s right … isn’t he?
Well done Rowan Atkinson. It seems to me that the tide is turning at last, hope so.
16:05 Sun 12th Aug 2018
lol...why can't all imams be like this bloke?
https:/ /twitte r.com/I mamofpe ace/sta tus/102 8629023 3525329 93
//Mr Johnson is not in need of 'diversity training' - that would apply to someone who was unaware of what they had said, and the impact it had caused - two things you could never apply to him!//
Why is it acceptable to ridicule some and not others? Boris seems to manage to cope with all the stick he gets - but then he has the ability of being able to laugh at himself - an admirable trait. If people who take themselves seriously think everyone else should do likewise it stands to reason they're going to be disappointed.
Why is it acceptable to ridicule some and not others? Boris seems to manage to cope with all the stick he gets - but then he has the ability of being able to laugh at himself - an admirable trait. If people who take themselves seriously think everyone else should do likewise it stands to reason they're going to be disappointed.
https:/ /islamq a.info/ en/983
\\From ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar, who said: "I heard the Messenger of Allaah SAWS (peace be upon him) say: ‘Do not prevent your women from going to the mosque if they ask your permission.’" Bilaal ibn ‘Abdullah said, "By Allaah, we will prevent them."//
\\But there are conditions attached to the permission for women to go to the mosque, as follows:
(1) She should wear complete hijaab.
(2) She should not go out wearing perfume.
(3) She should have the permission of her husband.//
https:/ /islamq a.info/ en/4989 8
\\It is permissible for a Muslim woman to pray in the mosque and her husband does not have the right to stop her if she asks him for permission to do that, so long as she is properly covered and no part of her body is showing that it is forbidden for “strangers” (non mahrams) to see. //
Yup, sounds like its their choice, so much for this freedom and rights
\\From ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar, who said: "I heard the Messenger of Allaah SAWS (peace be upon him) say: ‘Do not prevent your women from going to the mosque if they ask your permission.’" Bilaal ibn ‘Abdullah said, "By Allaah, we will prevent them."//
\\But there are conditions attached to the permission for women to go to the mosque, as follows:
(1) She should wear complete hijaab.
(2) She should not go out wearing perfume.
(3) She should have the permission of her husband.//
\\It is permissible for a Muslim woman to pray in the mosque and her husband does not have the right to stop her if she asks him for permission to do that, so long as she is properly covered and no part of her body is showing that it is forbidden for “strangers” (non mahrams) to see. //
Yup, sounds like its their choice, so much for this freedom and rights
Webbo at 18:28 Sun
//Motorbike instructor slams Shell garage for ‘racism’ after he’s told to remove helmet as woman in burka fills up next to him//
https:/ /www.th esun.co .uk/new s/69942 30/moto rbike-i nstruct or-slam s-shell -garage -for-ra cism-af ter-hes -told-t o-remov e-helme t-as-wo man-in- burka-f ills-up -next-t o-him/
//A Shell spokeswoman said the company would not be commenting.
Spar have not responded to a request to comment.//
I wonder why?
//Motorbike instructor slams Shell garage for ‘racism’ after he’s told to remove helmet as woman in burka fills up next to him//
//A Shell spokeswoman said the company would not be commenting.
Spar have not responded to a request to comment.//
I wonder why?
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