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Over Coverage Of The Gcse Results.

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anotheoldgit | 11:23 Fri 24th Aug 2018 | News
50 Answers

Yes these successful students deserve their congratulations, but is all the TV and other media coverage of scenes of jubilation amongst the successful students necessary?

What about those who have not been so successful, how must they feel? Must be bad enough opening the envelope that they have waited in anticipation for weeks, but then to see that they have failed?



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'Nobody on here (in this thread at least) is condemning "young people enjoying life". '

'None of us was on the telly whooping, screaming (or sobbing, as appropriate). '

Looked like condemnation to me.
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/// Yeah, the annual exam results thread where all the old farts condemn the young people enjoying life. Brilliant. What a time to be alive. ///

There must be those who at the moment are not enjoying life, in fact some may be almost suicidal, have you not thought of those less successful youngsters in your quest to have a dig?
Now let me find that thread where you were condemning schools for not having winners on sports day......back in a tick.

here you go AOG, this is you supporting your favourite rag's clarion call to bring back competitive sports days. Where was your sympathy for the less successful here?
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You are becoming obsessive in your continuous quest to belittle me, but in doing so you are making yourself into a bigger fool than you already are.

There is a vast difference in being a failed student, which could have vast implications on their future life, than someone that gets beat in a race at their school's sports day.
It's one day of positive reporting about young people (for a change).
anybody would think from what's being posted here that everyone who passes his or her GCSEs is photographed for the media. I expect that you'll find most just get their results in the usual private way.
Well said, Zacs and's been a difficult year for them and their teachers....the waiting must have been awful but I do love some of the comments from the students who have worked so hard....

“It’s important to remember that exams aren’t the end of the world. I didn’t get myself too worked up about it,” he said. “It’s just important to learn it properly at the time in class – a bit of messing round but not too much.”

The 16-year-old said his teachers at William Hulme’s grammar school in south Manchester were great but were “in as difficult a position as we were” under the new, tougher GCSE structure.
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/// anybody would think from what's being posted here that everyone who passes his or her GCSEs is photographed for the media. ///

Do you actually read what you have put before you press the Answer Now button?
I don't believe anybody on here has knocked the students' achievements, belittled it or even discussed it. I thought it was about the fact that it's on every news item. Not the fault of students or schools. It's interesting how people read things that aren't there, it's also interesting how unpleasantness is completely overlooked if said by the right people.
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This tread is not about the successful students per-se, it is about the over coverage of those successful students by the media, and the effect it could have on those who unfortunately didn't quite make the grade.
I'm more than happy to see it on the news, Prudie...... a moment of achievement we can see, share and be happy for them.... :-)
Would you prefer equality of outcome then, AOG?
I agree with NJ and Prudie. It’s all about applauding the dire education system.
I'm not so concerned about those who failed (not in this context) but it might have been nice to interview those less 'academically gifted' who, whilst not expected to get top grades in 8/9/10 subjects, nevertheless applied themselves diligently and gained legitimate (albeit lower) passes in their chosen subjects.
They will have been just as proud of their own acheivements.
Not belittling or jealous and I'm far from being an old fart!
The media is the issue not the students' achievements.
I'm happy to see it on the news once too, I suppose that makes me only half an old fart???
It would be interesting to know if this phenomenon occurs in other countries.
"'None of us was on the telly whooping, screaming (or sobbing, as appropriate). '

Looked like condemnation to me."

Really? Looks like a simple description of the events portrayed on the telly to me. I'm not condemning the students. They should each celebrate in the way that suits them. But it's simply not news, just a cheap filler to bulk out a one-liner (e.g. "99.9% of pupils gained A*+ in the GCSE's. The remaining 0.1% didn't turn up"). It saves them having to trouble themselves gathering real news.
Canary "My goodness, some people will attack this fine country of ours over anything."

I take it irony isn't a strong point with you?

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