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Over Coverage Of The Gcse Results.

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anotheoldgit | 11:23 Fri 24th Aug 2018 | News
50 Answers

Yes these successful students deserve their congratulations, but is all the TV and other media coverage of scenes of jubilation amongst the successful students necessary?

What about those who have not been so successful, how must they feel? Must be bad enough opening the envelope that they have waited in anticipation for weeks, but then to see that they have failed?



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'There is a vast difference in being a failed student, which could have vast implications on their future life, than someone that gets beat in a race at their school's sports day.'

Ah, so you're selective in your sympathy for children who haven't been as successful. I see.
It's good to see buxom young students bouncing up and down when they've found out how many A*s they've got.
what a crowd of party poopers
and anyway there is not much going on
dead people in Egypt - no not mummies
and let the boys and girls rejoice - they are soon gonna have to face people like you as employers....

and AOG there is the Notting Hill Carnival coming uuuuuup!
a slap in the face for British culture I recollect
I agree Sandy - jiggle vision by bods who er should be jiggling
PP, //dead people in Egypt - no not mummies //

That's funny? Really? Sickening.
// 'There is a vast difference in being a failed student, which could have vast implications on their future life, //

a lot dont 'get it' for five or ten years they go from one dead end job to another
be sick, nigh, whatever ...
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Just checked for removed posts, it would seem that calling the older members of AB 'Old Farts' is quite acceptable on AnswerBank.

I always thought that name calling breached Site Rules?
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/// Would you prefer equality of outcome then, AOG? ///

Please don't be so silly.
This thread is about the over coverage of the jubilant successful students and what effect it could have on those who have not been so successful.
O god AOG
you are an old sobersides -
loosen up and let the kids have their day

hey are you gonna venture out in Notting Hill ? your other thread with some noted party pooping comments - I think you should go - just to monitor and learn of course - dressed in kevlar or armour

and remember that skunk isnt that animal that smells ....

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