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Unless you are admitting to being a rapist.....I'd say 'There's your answer.'
Sexual prowess is not even vaguely relevant to this thread Retrocop, and being financially hard up doesn't make an iota of difference to it anyway. Rich man, poor man- any could be a rapist, any could make you see stars four times a night and any could have you longing for a cup of cocoa and a good book.
I don't believe that rich men are automatic targets for the most part.
Retro cop - Do you take vitamins?
> I don't believe that rich men are automatic targets for the most part.

Correct, they’re not for the most part. But there’s definitely a species known as “gold digger” for whom they are.
TTT - // Why Has This Taken 9 Years To Come Out? //

You'd have to ask the young lady involved - anything else is simply speculation.
There is without doubt, just as women are targets of rapists who are also in the minority. It's a terrible scenario where we have to judge and decide who is telling the truth out of those two minorities because none of us have much experience of that because fortunately both types are rare.
//Sexual prowess is not even vaguely relevant to this thread Retrocop, and being financially hard up doesn't make an iota of difference to it anyway.//

Most of the current News reports of rape ,sexual assaults that have appeared nine or ten years later after the ALLEGED crimes concern prominent politicians or very well off celebrities who are in the limelight.
If Joe Grimes,the local street sweeper had his leg across one night with a grateful lassie I am sure he would not be facing criminal allegations a few years later.
Of course it was a typo Sqad!!
Also any man that uses a thread about rapes to brag about his sexual prowess should be ashamed of himself.
Good morning RockRose.
I haven,t seen any evidence that someone has used this thread to boast about his sexual prowess.
Might you point it out to me?
Sqad it’s ok I don’t expect you to agree with my point on this but here is the comment
// i can only praise the Lord in the last 53 years of bonking, since I was a 17 yr old lad, and there were many bonks.I can satisfy myself that I rarely had a pot to pee in in those days and I never got any complaints. One can only wonder why. Vive le difference.//
RockRose.......blimey c'mon, that wasn't meant to describe 53 years of bonking but 53 years in which a certain amount of bonking had given him experience to write that because he was penniless he received no complaints.
Have you got any better examples of bragging on this thread?
He’s not bragging about his sexual prowess, he’s making a point that these type of cases are only brought where the accused has considerable wealth. Strange that, innit.
So retrocop didn't bonk constantly for 53 years?

Not becoming a member of his fan club then.
We will have to agree to disagree
RockRose.....LOL....I don't really know what I am agreeing or disagreeing accuse Retrocop of using this thread to expose his sexual prowess and then ask me to agree that it proves your point.
I then offer you another chance to implant your accusations and then you back off.
No...I don't agree to disagree.
// Vive le difference//

er la difference - RR obviously had his er mind elsewhere ....

I think it is disgusting the way this thread has turned into which old man was a bonker fit to bust fifty years ago - memories being what they are

Oh and I have spent days think of this:
I bet it didnt take 9 y to come out the first time ! hur hur hur
Well I suppose that we should just be grateful that you haven’t brought up silk knickers and Trevor like you normally do.
Personally I found it in poor taste and yes bragging about his sex life.
^^^^^^^ a a class act Rockrose.
He was making a point. One which you’ve failed to acknowledge or comment on. Desist forthwith with further criticism my lady, for tho art making a Pratt of oneself.
I agree with RR.

As I said last night, unless retrocop is confessing to being a rapist his posts are pointless. There is no comparison to be made.

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