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Sparkly- you just say ' Safeword is ...' or whatever before things get very revved up so to speak.
kval // I dislike the notion bandied about on here that because she was paid off afterwards she wasn't raped. \\

Where is that being bandied about? I haven't seen it, I don't think so anyway. I'm not reading 99 post again to find out.
Read the answers then Ladybirdy...bit ignorant not to!! Then base your opinion. Shocking!
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JTT: "You are wise enough to pepper your posts with 'probably's' but the bald facts are that you don't believe there was a rape in the first place. And you wonder why women are reluctant to come forwards.." - Correct I don't and this woman is doing genuine cases no favours with this action 9 years after the event. Genuine cases have nothing to fear, just come forward ASAP not after you've spent the money you've been paid to keep schtumm.
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Sparkly- you just say ' Safeword is ...' or whatever before things get very revved up so to speak.

16:05 Fri 05th Oct 2018

I must have led a very sheltered life, I thought sex between a contenting twosome was a nice gentle occurrence. You are not using a pneumatic drill as a sex toy perchance,lol.
^^ and THAT is why victims don't come forward ^^

Time lapse is no indicator of whether someone was assaulted or not, I mean Nataie Wood NEVER reported that Kirk Douglas raped her but he bloody well did, it's been a known and open secret for 50 years.
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have a day off kval, $350k dollars and nine years later? Are you not just a teenzy weenzy bit suspicious?
"Time lapse is no indicator of whether someone was assaulted or not, I mean Nataie Wood NEVER reported that Kirk Douglas raped her but he bloody well did, it's been a known and open secret for 50 years."

Who said he raped her and what evidence was there?
What definition of rape was used...Ancient or Modern? ( Biblical ;-)
Time is no indicator of how a victim feels.
No I'm not thanks Sparkly, but some people are freaks in bed and some aren't, and if there is a danger things might go in unusual or simulatedly forced scenarios then any caring partner wants to make sure you're comfortable with that so people use safe words. If people get freaky with no safeword in place then they are a problem person who blurrs lines and that's not okay.
And you feel a smiley face is appropriate on a thread like this Sqad, shame on you!!
It's been openly known Sqad for literally forever in the entertainment industry and has just resurfaced bc of the #metoo campaign.
Google it it's everywhere.
Safeword. Lol. The young take all the passion out of life.
I recall “ Ive got a headache” arurn over and a faceful of bum did the trick. Pre Nuptial Agreement?? Why is that. Necessary unless you are worried you are marrying a mercenary gold digger. Appears there are a load about :-(
Less than 1.2% of rape claims are false allegations
"The young take all the passion out of life. "

And plough it into our other halfs
// I bet she did know who he was, she was probably told later after she reported the case and thought 'Kerching!'//

as happened to Rolfie - "another £100k oor I go to the police"
and when he finally said no - she went to the police and Rolfie went to the slammer

it is a hard hard world out there get more boring each verbal attack you make upon is getting really tiresome.
The "smile" emoticon was my little joke or pun about "Ancient and know......the hymn books/ definition..........never mind.
// Less than 1.2% of rape claims are false allegations//
are you sure ?
50% of the savile allegations ( he is dead by the way) were false - as in when he was meant to be assaulting in Plymouth - he had a curtain call in Hull.
Safe words mean you can have more passion Retro, they're not used when you don't fancy it, then you just say nah not really at the moment, just when things are getting to the edge of where you want them to go during.
On average should i add?

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