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Although I think it's a big bloody If.
I have no idea what happened but I would say that by her actions (taking hush money) it rather ruins her credibility.

This is not the fisrt time, perhaps this will stop this blackmail/hush money in the future and real victims will goto the Old Bill and see it through.
I can't get over the 'poor Ronaldino' theme of this thread. THIS is why rape victims don't report things.
Reverse it then, why would he pay her in the first place if he had done nothing wrong?
Ronaldino is no-one's victim I get the impression by his general behaviour and demeanour, so quite why everyone is slagging this poor girl off I've no idea.
I repeat if she was raped she was a victim, I don't care if he gave her $3 million she's still a victim, he forced her to share her body with him against her will. THAT is what rape is, the total disregard for another human being's wellbeing, physically, emotionally and mentally.
Of course if she was raped she was a victim. But accepting hush money leaving a rapist free to carry on raping does not make her pragmatic.
She may have felt like no one would listen to her. Seems true.
I've heard it said that no amount of financial compensation would ever compensate for being raped, which begs the question, why did she allegedly reach an out-of-court settlement with Ronaldo for $375,000 (£288,000) payment for agreeing never to go public with the allegations.
Again it's the 'if'

We don't know how she's dealt with things over the years. People have flash backs, post traumatic stress, etc. Quite a small amount of hush for ruining someones life.
"I can't get over the 'poor Ronaldino' theme of this thread."

Where? Most people, not having any evidence either way, seem to be taking an open mind.
Or principled, talbot. can't get away from the fact that money makes life easier. Doesn't always make someone happy, just easier. If she was raped and traumatised the last thing she needs to worry about is paying her bills.

IF it is true she'd been offered a pay out when she's probably been in a very vulnerable state. You have high powered lawyers telling you no one will believe you and you might believe it.
"Reverse it then, why would he pay her in the first place if he had done nothing wrong?"

You've got me - I can't think of a single reason why the multi-multi millionaire and one of the best and most recognisable footballers in the world approaching the height of his career would want this kept quiet whether he did it or whether he didn't but was told the allegation was coming if he didn't pay up.

" quite why everyone is slagging this poor girl off I've no idea."


The only two people in the world who know what happened are the two people involved, and therefore you have no idea that she is a 'poor girl' or whether she is a money-grubbing opportunist, and I have no idea whether Ronaldo is a victim of blackmail or a predatory scumbag rapist.
That's a fair alternative view of the situation, ummmm.
> What kind of woman do you think I am?
>> We’ve already established that. Now we’re just haggling over the price.
Deskdiary, there are countless rich, famous and powerful men who NEVER get ANY allegations levied against them, and you know why that is? Because they don't go around raping people. It's a cracking start, so assuming someone who says someone has raped them is a liar is part of the problem.
I will grant you that she could be, but I think it's unlikely.
The way I see it, Kvladir you have already made up your mind. I have an open mind on this. Neither has shown any principles by paying and accepting dirty money.
Ronaldinho has nothing to do with situation.
I actually haven't made up my mind Talbot, but you really can't automatically doubt the victim because she behaves in ways you don't approve of, THAT's what is the matter here.
"I will grant you that she could be, but I think it's unlikely."

And I will grant you that in this instance Ronaldo could have done it, but I think it's unlikely.
IF he did do it, did it not occur to her that she was leaving him free to carry on raping other women by accepting payment and remaining quiet?
Kval wrote:
//there are countless rich, famous and powerful men who NEVER get ANY allegations levied against them, and you know why that is? Because they don't go around raping people. //

How on earth do you know that? They maybe just have better lawyers.

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