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ummmm: "How else do you compensate people?" - well the traditional method is to report the crime and all the details to the police, then let the judicial process run it's course then sue for damages etc on the back of a successful prosecution. Surprised you are advocating a private "keep schtumm" and here's some dosh approach ummmm.
He was never convicted of anything so her payment was not compensation it was a 'shut up' payment. Years later when the dosh has been spent she has gone to a German magazine to 'tell her story', no doubt the money earned from that story going to a suitable women's aid charity ( not!). These are not the actions of a victim.
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jim: "I don't mean to imply that Ronaldo definitely did it, but, I mean... what hope is there to hold people to account for sexual assault when they actually *are* guilty if everyone instantly assumes the accuser has a sinister motive" - well normally the accuser doesn't wait 9 years, having spent the privately arranged compensation, to dig up the whole issue. That's the sort of thing that can make sensible people think there is a "sinister motive". If she's done the correct thing at the time, then we'd not be assuming by default that she is what she appears to be. Ronaldo may or may not be guilty but the accuser has done herself no favours with this action 9 years after the even.
I'm not advocating it.

Just saying that's how people are compensated.
Did Ronaldo do himself any favours by paying the hush money?
Why must victims follow a set pattern of behaviour, any deviation from which instantly damages or destroys their credibility?

But anyway. Whatever the truth, I hope it comes out.
^ probably not but he probably thought it was worth a week's wages to make it go away
//Just saying that's how people are compensated.//

Good Grief 'Compensation' is given after liability is decided in a Court

She was not 'Compensated', she decided to take a payment directly from Ronaldo's Lawyers in return for promising not to take the matter any further. That's what I call a Blackmail payment
Lots of victims don't come forward and try and bury what happened to them. Doesn't always work though and it can take years.

^^That's not just about this case though, I mean in general.
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ummm: "Just saying that's how people are compensated. " - what by private deals to keep schtumm! right oh!
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jim: "Why must victims follow a set pattern of behaviour, any deviation from which instantly damages or destroys their credibility? " - come on you're and intelligent bloke, we all learn how things will look if not done a certain way. Whatever actually happened originally here is always going to be obscured by what happened since.
Only if you let it, though.
What is the conviction rate for rape?
'She was not 'Compensated', she decided to take a payment directly from Ronaldo's Lawyers in return for promising not to take the matter any further. That's what I call a Blackmail payment'

Was going to post 'no-one could argue with that'. But, of course, they can and probably will.
Did Ronaldo do himself any favours by paying the hush money?

I don't think he did.
Did his accuser do herself any favours accepting the hush money?
Neither look good.
If she was raped she is a victim. The fact that she might understand how the world works and agreed to be paid for silence does not make her less of a victim, it makes her pragmatic but no less of a victim.
If she was raped I would have expected her to see the allegation through to the bitter end - regardless of the conviction rate. Instead, she decided to take a pay-off. Presumably the pay-off was adequate enough to allay her trauma for the 9 years it took her to spend the money, and now, even though the rape conviction rates are probably broadly the same as they were 9 years ago, her trauma is such that she's breaching a contract and has now gone public with the allegation, even though in all likelihood there's about as much evidence of the rape as there is in the existence of god.

Yes all supposition - but who is to say it's not accurate.

A more cyncial person than me might think she's gone public because Ronaldo told her to do one when she tried to get more money out of him, so she's decided to ruin him.

Rape is one of the most heinous crimes imaginable, and therefore I'm with Aunt Lydia on this - she's doing a massive disservice to real victims.
But if she was raped she IS a real victim.

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