To answer the OP - I think May will survive the week (and even the winter) as Tory MPs take a deep breath and jib at the 'Turkeys Voting for Christmas' scenario of triggering a General Election - no viable alternative exists that could command a majority in the Party, let alone the House. To answer the "Why does Europe have the whip hand?" comments, it has always...
Even if a leadership challenge was started, it would have to start with a vote of confidence, which the PM would win.
My advice is, if you want to kill Brexit stone dead, change the PM now :-)
Nor me. There wouldn’t be an election by the way. Somehow the fantasists think they can parachute in the likes of David Davis and everything would be ok. David Davis was one reason we’re in the state we are now. And can you imagine for one second that it could cone about?
If May had gone last year I'd have been grateful (depending on who'd replaced her, of course). But she didn't. We have five months to go until the self-imposed deadline, and wasting any time of that on a leadership battle would be utter stupidity.
But if May were to go I can't see a scenario in which we would ditch all the negotiations so far and still leave on time- so we would remain. But i can't see a consensus being reached on any leader- there would remain huge divisions in teh governemnt and in parliament on brexit
If May were to go, I can’t see anyone wanting to take on the role of PM until Brexit is concluded. Which is exactly why we’ve ended up with someone as ineffectual as her.
Her MP's have given her till Wednesday to ditch her plan for an extension of the transition period.If she doesn't then I think that there will be a vote of no confidence.
ZM: good question, no idea, but it would have made more sense to give A50 notification after proper preparation, rather than before. As to how long that would take... don't know.
I don’t think any significant delay in triggering the A50 process would have gone down well with leave voters, or Conservative voters. Cameron promised a quick triggering and I think May had to follow suit.