Apparently five members of the cabinet are trying to persuade her to,but I dont think that she will listen.She is hell bent on pushing the Chequers plan through.
jim why is it that the EU have such a hold over us, i know the point is to break away from all the bureaucracy but we still seemed to be begging for our lives where the EU are concerned.
It depends on what you mean by "hold". I don't think we're beholden to the EU in the sense of being their vassal, but what *is* true, and perhaps unpalatable to many, is that EU membership has been far more beneficial than many realise. At the very least, getting out of it is very complicated and requires undoing or replacing 40 years' worth of integration, before being able to set out on the bold new path Brexiteers would like.
That's not quite true: various businesses have come out in favour, led mainly by the CBI. And about five Tory MPs have spoken positively about it, too.
Even that is more about pragmatic acceptance; it's a deal that is difficult for the UK for the next ten years or so, but at least provides the certainty needed for businesses to make coherent plans around without having to fear "no deal".
There is no possibility of renegotiation - even if Mrs May had the stomach for it - which I very much doubt. The smirking Barnier and Drunkers have stitched us up like a kipper.
Basically we are in a bind - entirely of Mrs May's making - caused by incompetent/inept and half-hearted negotiation by a succession of her terrible Brexit Ministers and compounded by her throwing away her majority in last year's needless election.
So now - do we want to be
1. Impoverished (no deal exit)
2. Castrated (stay in)
3. Swallowing Hard and accepting a bad deal that (whilst it sticks in the craw) at least leaves us with a functioning economy and a chance to gradually emerge from the corrupt superstate of Brussels?
I'll take 3 and hope for the best - since 1 & 2 are both much, much worse.
Jim - I still can't stand the stench of corruption and anti-British bias that has emanated from Brussels for over 40 years now - and we'd be even worse off if we run cowering back to nanny now.
Danny - the deal gives us back control of the bulk of the non-economic factors that Brussels currently exercises on our behalf. The economics will take more time, but at least it's a start.
the leader is irrelevant, the EU have already said they are not moving. Ton deal on the table is worse than remaining we have no choice but to leave with no deal and fire fight the issue as they arise, the PM herself said that we are some way into the prep for no deal, I say we get the rest of the prep done and leave with no deal. Who knows the EUSSR may consider that bad for them too and do something. In any case the PM has made herself largely irrelevant.