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Is The Lady Not For Turning

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emmie | 13:37 Sat 17th Nov 2018 | News
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can she be persuaded at this stage to alter this agreement


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all member states are due to ratify this document on 25th November so we don't have a lot of time to spare.
Emmie, we don't have a lot of time for what? Barnier has put the kibosh on any further negotiations.
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then this document will go ahead whether we like it or not, is that what you are saying.
As far as the EU is concerned yes.From our standpoint it will have to approved by parliament. I don't think that it will get through.
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so if it doesn't get approval from Parliament then what, stalemate?
No deal.
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and if it goes through as it is, does this mean we are still hog tied by Brussels.
No Emmie, it means we are in a no deal situation.In other words leave without a deal.
“…various businesses have come out in favour, led mainly by the CBI.”

Well slap my thighs! What a surprise! However:

Big businesses (and hence the CBI) like the EU. It saves them a lot of trouble, such as having to train up their own staff and other tediums they’d prefer not to bother with. For the 95% of UK companies that have no dealings with the EU whatsoever, compliance is a slightly different matter. Normal nations do not expect all their manufacturers to comply with the standards of foreign nations so that 5% of them can sell abroad.
I think it's a waste of time. She's devoted herself to putting the UK in the mire rather than pulling it out, it's her pet project, not to be abandoned. She's made that quite clear with the bare faced lies about it being a good deal and what was voted for, despite it ensuring we remain trapped. They should concentrate on her removal from office not getting her to sling that abomination of a plan. Surely enough of the party see she's a liability by now.
OG //They should concentrate on her removal from office//
Surely they should concentrate in getting out of the EU. Getting rid of Mrs May can wait.
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only so many MPs have voiced their concerns and sent letters of Vote of no Confidence, don't they need 48 letters to cause a leadership challenge.
Yes on the subject of “the deal pleases no one” that is plainly not true. And in Northern Ireland people like the Ulster Farmers Union, meat producers, the CBI etc have all breathed a sigh of relief and come out in favour as has at least one Independent Unionist MP (Lady Herman).
As for ministers trying to persuade her to change things well that’s an understandable course of action. Some of them will get what they want and others don’t, depending on what it is they’re asking for.
Why won’t Brussels want to change too much? Because this has taken the best part of 2 years and involved 28 governments, some of whom are not happy as it is that the EU appears to have given too much away. The idea they’ll risk it all unravelling now is crazy,
The CBI will be in favour of any plot to keep the basis of the status quo and leave them little to deal with. Makes for an easy life, but still on the high salary for supposingly doing something that they're avoiding.

The EU may well opt to remain stubborn, but then it becomes clear that it is they that forced the no deal. Although I suspect their apologists will say otherwise.

With May in place running our side of the show, Brexit is impossible. Her removal can not wait.
The 5% of the companies that *do* trade with the EU are often rather larger, so I'm not sure it's a good idea to ignore them entirely.

I didn't think it surprising that the CBI like the deal -- or, to be more accurate, like that there *is* a prospective deal -- but decided not to note it.
As well as the CBI (Northern Ireland) The Federation of Small Businesses (Northrrn Ireland) The Freight Transport Association The Northern Ireland Food and Drink Association, Institute of Directors, Northrtn Ireland Retail Consortium, Manufacturing NI, Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (Northern Ireland), EY Northern Ireland to name a few others.
Given N Ireland is in the eye of the Brexit storm because of the border, that’s not a bad lineup, while the likes of Sammy Wilson rant and rave about surrendering to the IRA.
I fear there you have the whole issue in a nutshell: organisations which don’t exist in ivory towers but which contribute to the wealth and well being of “the people” say one thing. While others - er - say something else ...
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i confess i don't truly understand the Irish question, soft, or hard border, maybe someone out there can explain it to me. And if we left with no deal at all, then what happens to the ROI, NI

Emmie, that will depend on whether the EU will insist on a hard border i.e customs control etc.
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surely if there is no deal, then they continue(ROI, NI) as they have for years. Is that not right.......
Emmie, unfortunately no as the ROI will be a member of the EU and subject to their rules.

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