Quizzes & Puzzles3 mins ago
And Once We Welcomed Refugees
Shocking story of Islamophobia/bullying/anti-refugee bone-headedness, not yet mentioned in these columns.
A reminder in case you need one:
https:/ /www.th eguardi an.com/ uk-news /2018/n ov/28/s choolbo y-to-be -charge d-over- hudders field-a ttack-o n-refug ee-15
All this Syrian family want is to live their lives in peace, all their children want is to go to school, in peace.
Once upon a time refugees were welcomed here.
A reminder in case you need one:
All this Syrian family want is to live their lives in peace, all their children want is to go to school, in peace.
Once upon a time refugees were welcomed here.
The family in question seem to be pretty savvy. They went from Syria to Lebanon – so out of danger – and then, with the help of the UN, were given safe passage to the UK. No paying traffickers and sailing the seas in a holey bucket for them. Now they claim a grievance, they’ve hired a smart lawyer. Hmmm……
Two things are obvious. First that the bullying has been exploited by its victims for personal gain, and secondly that it provides self-righteous prigs clear evidence that half their fellow citizens are thugs.
There is a third and less obvious observation: the facts and context of the assault are absent from the discussion.
There is a third and less obvious observation: the facts and context of the assault are absent from the discussion.