News0 min ago
What Can Be Done About Climate Change
is it a natural occurrence, after all the climate has changed over billions of years - is this really what we will come to.
https:/ / /news/s cience- environ ment-46 398057
Kromo; //It's hard to do anything that's carbon- neutral given the way that our economies have developed.// That is absolutely true, but there is so much hypocrisy surrounding these jamborees, look at Paris, a huge multi- million dollar fiasco, with people flooding in from all over the planet, self-congrat ulating, virtue- signalling, and achieving...
11:15 Tue 04th Dec 2018
""The truth is that a variety of political groups have recognized the concept of anthropogenic global warming as being a vindication for their existence. For Marxists and Environmentalists (fundamentally the same people today) it has given them a guise under which to promote their radical Left-wing politics. Bloated NGOs have found a justification for their existence and continual appeals for cash. And globalists have found an issue that cannot be confined to national entities and thus requires the promotion of supranational legislative bodies such as the United Nations and European Union. Throw in ideologically motivated scientists, self-aggrandizing politicians and a media in desperate need for sensational headlines and you have a recipe for disaster.""
With thanks to
S. G. McCombe
With thanks to
S. G. McCombe
David Attenborough is just one man, but amongst many who say this is a real threat, i can see his and their point.
what would he have to gain out of fabricating the scale of the problem, he is an honest, decent, caring individual, i can't see him lying deliberately. If global warming and climate change are to be tackled, what must we do to ensure we have a world to pass on to our children.
what would he have to gain out of fabricating the scale of the problem, he is an honest, decent, caring individual, i can't see him lying deliberately. If global warming and climate change are to be tackled, what must we do to ensure we have a world to pass on to our children.
I am sure that Davis Attenborough is a charming, well meaning man. I wonder if he ever thinks about how much he contributes to carbon emissions as he flies himself and a large crew around the World to film his documentaries. For just one such series "For The Life of Birds", he travelled 256,000 miles. The same as travelling around the world ten times!
""The evidence for man-made climate change is so flimsy that you might just as well believe in magic, says one of the world’s top physicists.Richard Lindzen, Alfred P Sloan Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, Emeritus at Massachussetts Institute of Technology, has long expressed doubts about the “science” behind anthropogenic global warming theory.
Now, in probably his most comprehensive and devastating assault yet on the Climate Industrial Complex, Lindzen shreds every one of the fake-science arguments used by the environmentalists to justify their hugely expensive “global warming” scare story.
The 97% meme
This is a fabrication designed to make idiots feel like experts.
As Lindzen puts it:
The [’97 per cent of scientists believe in global warming’] claim is meant to satisfy the non-expert that he or she has no need to understand the science. Mere agreement with the 97% will indicate that one is a supporter of science and superior to anyone denying disaster. This actually satisfies a psychological need for many people.
But, he explains, it’s just a trick created by pretending that all the scientists who agree that humans make a contribution to global warming (ie almost everyone) also agree with the alarmist theory that global warming is catastrophic, unprecedented and within man’s control. Which simply isn’t the case.
The ‘warmest years on record’ meme
Alarmists have been shrieking a lot recently that most of the hottest years on record – 14 out of 15, according to the UN – have happened since 2000.
This is silly for a number of reasons, Lindzen explains.
First, warmth is not necessarily bad or worrying thing:
It begins with the ridiculous presumption that any warming whatsoever (and, for that matter, any increase in CO2) is bad, and proof of worse to come. We know that neither of these presumptions is true. People retire to the Sun Belt rather than to the arctic. CO2 is pumped into greenhouses to enhance plant growth.
Second, it doesn’t – as some idiots believe – mean that global warming hasn’t paused for the last twenty years.
Of course, if 1998 was the hottest year on record, all the subsequent years will also be among the hottest years on record. None of this contradicts the fact that the warming (ie, the increase of temperature) has ceased.
Third, the differences in temperature are so small as to be almost unmeasurable and are open to all manner of fraudulent adjustments by politically motivated climate gatekeepers.
The extreme weather meme
The idea that we are experiencing more “extreme weather” events because of “climate change” is plain dishonest.
Roger Pielke, Jr. actually wrote a book detailing the fact that there is no trend in virtually any extreme event (including tornados, hurricanes, droughts, floods, etc.) with some actually decreasing. Even the UN’s IPCC acknowledges that there is no basis for attributing such events to anthropogenic climate change.
In fact, its pure propaganda designed to scare the ignorant:
The claims of extreme weather transcend the usual use of misleading claims. They often amount to claims for the exact opposite of what is actually occurring. The object of the claims is simply to be as scary as possible, and if that requires claiming the opposite of the true situation, so be it.""
Now, in probably his most comprehensive and devastating assault yet on the Climate Industrial Complex, Lindzen shreds every one of the fake-science arguments used by the environmentalists to justify their hugely expensive “global warming” scare story.
The 97% meme
This is a fabrication designed to make idiots feel like experts.
As Lindzen puts it:
The [’97 per cent of scientists believe in global warming’] claim is meant to satisfy the non-expert that he or she has no need to understand the science. Mere agreement with the 97% will indicate that one is a supporter of science and superior to anyone denying disaster. This actually satisfies a psychological need for many people.
But, he explains, it’s just a trick created by pretending that all the scientists who agree that humans make a contribution to global warming (ie almost everyone) also agree with the alarmist theory that global warming is catastrophic, unprecedented and within man’s control. Which simply isn’t the case.
The ‘warmest years on record’ meme
Alarmists have been shrieking a lot recently that most of the hottest years on record – 14 out of 15, according to the UN – have happened since 2000.
This is silly for a number of reasons, Lindzen explains.
First, warmth is not necessarily bad or worrying thing:
It begins with the ridiculous presumption that any warming whatsoever (and, for that matter, any increase in CO2) is bad, and proof of worse to come. We know that neither of these presumptions is true. People retire to the Sun Belt rather than to the arctic. CO2 is pumped into greenhouses to enhance plant growth.
Second, it doesn’t – as some idiots believe – mean that global warming hasn’t paused for the last twenty years.
Of course, if 1998 was the hottest year on record, all the subsequent years will also be among the hottest years on record. None of this contradicts the fact that the warming (ie, the increase of temperature) has ceased.
Third, the differences in temperature are so small as to be almost unmeasurable and are open to all manner of fraudulent adjustments by politically motivated climate gatekeepers.
The extreme weather meme
The idea that we are experiencing more “extreme weather” events because of “climate change” is plain dishonest.
Roger Pielke, Jr. actually wrote a book detailing the fact that there is no trend in virtually any extreme event (including tornados, hurricanes, droughts, floods, etc.) with some actually decreasing. Even the UN’s IPCC acknowledges that there is no basis for attributing such events to anthropogenic climate change.
In fact, its pure propaganda designed to scare the ignorant:
The claims of extreme weather transcend the usual use of misleading claims. They often amount to claims for the exact opposite of what is actually occurring. The object of the claims is simply to be as scary as possible, and if that requires claiming the opposite of the true situation, so be it.""
Sadly, I fear it is already too late because the human race, and yes that includes me, will not give up our modern way of living unless the governments of the world make us by bringing in new laws and so on, but they won't want to give up on modern life either. There is ALREADY too much plastic in our oceans, polar ice caps are ALREADY melting, raising sea levels and affecting the wildlife whose very lives depend on those areas. Last summer, to me, was horrendous, way too hot and apparently more to come, that sort of heat is not sustainable to some lives, i.e. the sick and the elderly. People do not want to give up their cars, and won't. I don't know the answer, I ony wish I did. I think it is how the world will end.
"I wonder if they'll announce it"
They have...
https:/ / eguardi environ ment/20 18/oct/ 08/glob al-warm ing-mus t-not-e xceed-1 5c-warn s-landm ark-un- report
They have...