Are There Benefits To Staying In The Eu in The AnswerBank: News
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Are There Benefits To Staying In The Eu

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emmie | 11:36 Wed 05th Dec 2018 | News
116 Answers
i would like to know, no link..
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Whether or not anybody is ideologically committed to Brexit or not and to what degree is not really the point. This deal involves the UK leaving the EU in name only. It also jeopardises the integrity of the UK and threatens to tie the UK to a Treaty from which there is no escape clause (depending solely on the goodwill of the Euromaniacs to "allow" no doubt under...
12:07 Wed 05th Dec 2018
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i don;t much care for bananas bent or straight, what happened to the question, just what are the benefits of staying in, tied to the Customs Union, etc. I would love to know. I voted out but we aren't going to get that are we.
Emmie //I voted out but we aren't going to get that are we.//
You have posted this more than once, please have patience and wait and see. nobody knows what the outcome will be.
My first answer listed some Emmie as has Jim and Krom x
Two years ago, Nigel Farage said that the EU did not want any sort of deal. Britain was to be punished and humiliated "pour encourager les autres" as they say. We have seen their endless delaying tactics, and the "deal" they offer now leaves us powerless in a trap, at their pleasure.
We stood alone against European domination once before. Let's pull the plug - where's the Dunkirk spirit?
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Venator, sadly these are different times, Dunkirk was a pivotal moment in our history. This is just as pivotal just that lots of people don't realise it yet.

danny will see.

i know
"Are There Benefits To Staying In The EU"
Tony Benn (r.i.p.) didn't think so;

Yes, Emmie, these are indeed pivotal times. What I was trying to get across in a light hearted manner is that in the long term, we will be far better off outside the EU. There will be short term difficulties, and project fear mark two is doing a magnificent job just like last time.

Only one thing unifies all parties, together with leavers and remainers - the mantra "anything is better than no deal."

Forget the Irish problem - They manage quite well with the border they have at present. Southern Ireland desperately needs our market, and nobody is going to build a border. The reality of the situation will force a solution.

I think "short-term difficulties" does undersell it a bit to be honest.
"I think "short-term difficulties" does undersell it a bit to be honest."

He said, attempting to adopt a knowing and at the same time, sinister tone.
Yes, 'Project Fear III ' is alive and well.
Again, yes. I meant short term in the life of this country.

Nobody should want the "ever closer union", the EU army and the like.

De Gaulle made a speech when vetoing our application to join; his objection was that the UK had little in common with The EU or whatever it called itself at the time. He was right.

Pull the plug, call the bluff and let the EU carry on until the glorious federal state falls apart.
Don't be such a drama queen, Khandro. :P
Kromo; It's just that you don't have a very good record on predictions. I seem to remember your forecast (and wager) that Donald Trump would be out of office by Christmas; - LAST Christmas !
You've got me there :).

I do at least hope that I'm wrong again this time...
Venator, you have so much sense in everything that you have posted on this thread. I agree with every single word.
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Nellie May
so do i agree with every word. Venator lets see if we can't just dump them and be done with it.
A challenge to those who wish to remain, by Jeff Taylor (whom God preserve);

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