v_e at 10.23
Factually incorrect.
You've been taken in by proven climate-change liar Christopher Monckton
Mediabias: These sources consist of legitimate science or are evidence based through the use of credible scientific sourcing.
He has no training in science and just asserts things that suit his agenda, with zero evidence.
Studies (referenced above) show that while CFCs are present in volcanic gas emissions, the levels are no higher than the atmospheric background, so there is no additional emission by volcanic activity.
And as soon as you think about it, there is no way that CFCs could be produced by natural processes, since they are produced only in chemical plants.
Monckton saw some scientific papers showing that volcanic emissions of HCl (hydrogen chloride, which becomes hydrochloric acid when dissolved in water) and misinterpreted the HCl formula as a CFC.
Just plain wrong.
Demonstrating real lack of understanding of the issues
Deliberately seeking to devalue factual discussion
Like much of the crap discussed by ill-informed, gullible, politically-motivated contributors to these threads.
Worse, spreading these lies rather than offering sympathy for the dead and injured.
And Merry Christmas to all of you.