Crosswords1 min ago
Manchester Terror Attack
https:/ /www.te legraph news/20 18/12/3 1/polic e-offic er-amon g-three -stabbe d-manch ester-v ictoria -statio n/
A speedy recovery to the victims. Lucky the police intervened quickly and bravely. (as appears to be the case)
A speedy recovery to the victims. Lucky the police intervened quickly and bravely. (as appears to be the case)
Is it just me who thinks when you go on a stabbing spree you should be locked up for a very long time whether you are deemed mental or sane (although what sort of sane person goes on a stabbing spree?) On top of that, after and if you are set free you should be kicked out of the country if you are not British.
11:18 Wed 02nd Jan 2019
Now that Christmas and New Year celebrations are almost over, hopefully stocks of tin-foil in the shops will return to normal levels to ensure that that there will sufficient quantities available for you and your similarly-minded friends to make yourselves protective hats, ymb.....
Anyone attempting to harm anyone else *for any reason* ought to be deplored.
I hope the injured recover fully and quickly.
Anyone attempting to harm anyone else *for any reason* ought to be deplored.
I hope the injured recover fully and quickly.