No idea what his PR people were thinking allowing that to be recounted, but my bet is that if she'd said 'some white bloke, some traveller, some guy with a London accent' etc etc etc, he wouldn't have bothered to go out with a cosh hunting him or his kith down. There is an underlying racist tone to the whole thing, even if he does regret it (and I think if he doesn't now he will certainly come to as his career disappears down the drain, and it has a deep seated histo-social foundation too. You can see society's desire to 'protect' and withold white women from black men ( even in consenting terms never mind rape) all the way through art, politics, social under currant and language, so yeah I think it's racist. I think it's absolutely racist. I'm just not sure Liam Neesom thinks it is, or can even begin to understand why it is.