"...it gives the impression little things to make a difference isn't top of their priorities list."
It isn't top of their priorities list because:
1. China is opening new coal-fired power stations at the rate of roughly one a week.
2. Closer to home, the UK government has encouraged Drax power station, in Yorkshire (which generates about 7% of the UK's electricity) to convert to burning (what is laughingly called) "biomass". This sounds very green and clean. In fact, the majority of it is made up of processed wood pellets sourced from Canadian and US forests. This involves deforestation on a mega-industrial scale. Drax burns some 15m tons of wood pellets a year (and this will increase as it converts more of it facility from coal to wood) and this necessitates an area roughly the size of Wales to be deforested annually. The argument that this is a "sustainable" process because the forests are allegedly being replanted has recently been laid bare. It has been realised by the "experts" (and has been obvious to anybody with half a brain for years) that if the trees had been allowed to remain they would have continued with their CO2 absorption process whereas it will take decades, if not centuries for the new plants to reach the same maturity. As a result of this flawed thinking the carbon produced by burning wood does not count towards the UK's emissions total but this ridiculous logic is now being challenged through the courts.
Quite a bit of the energy produced in this way goes to power 25Kw "curtain heaters" which many stores (struggling to make a profit, apparently) use to heat the street when they leave their doors wide open throughout January and February. Meanwhile I'm supposed to turn my thermostat down to what is for me an uncomfortable level and running an incandescent light bulb is viewed as a crime worse than dropping a sack full of kittens into the canal.
So, no, doing little things that actually make no difference at all is not top of my list of priorities.